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203 Poetries
1.你好,百花山 1. Hello, Baihua Mountain

琴声飘忽不定, Pieces erratic,
捧在手中的雪花微微震颤。 The snowflakes in our hands tremble slightly.
当阵阵迷雾退去, When the bursts of fog receded,
显出旋律般起伏的山峦。 Showing melody-like hills.

我收集过四季的遗产山谷里,没有人烟。 I have collected over four seasons of the heritage of the valley, there is no signs of human habitation.
采摘下的野花继续生长, Picking wild flowers under the continued growth,
开放,那是死亡的时间。 Open, it is the time of death.

沿着原始森林的小路, Along the jungle paths,
绿色的阳光在缝隙里流窜。 The green light in the gaps where flows.
一只红褐色的苍鹰, A reddish-brown goshawk,
用鸟语翻译这山中恐怖的谣传。 Translation of this mountain, with the birds in the rumors of terror.

我猛地喊了一声: I suddenly shouted:
“你好,百---花---山---“ "Hello, 100 Mountain --- --- --- Flower"
“你好,孩---子---“ "Hello, child --- child ---"
回音来自遥远的瀑涧 Echo from the distant waterfall stream

那是风中之风, It was the wind of the wind,
使万物应和,骚动不安。 So that all things should be and, unrest.
我喃喃低语, I muttered whisper,
手中的雪花飘进深渊。 Snowflakes floated into the hands of the abyss.

五色花 Colored flowers

在深渊的边缘上, At the edge of the abyss, the
你守护我每一个孤独的梦 You guard my every dream of a lonely
---那风啊吹动草叶的喧响。 --- Ah the wind blowing the grass of the Xuan ring.

太阳在远方白白地燃烧, The sun burning in the distance in vain,
你在水洼旁,投进自己的影子微波荡荡,沉淀了昨日的时光。 You puddle next to the microwave sway going into his own shadow, sedimentation of yesterday's time.

假如有一天你也不免凋残, If one day you can not avoid Diaocan,
我只有个简单的希望: I have only a simple hope:
保持着初放时的安祥。 Maintained when the initial release serene.

我走向雨雾中 I returned to the rain and fog in the

乌云是起飞又落下的时辰。 Dark clouds are falling off another hour.
鸟儿四散。 The birds scattered.
蓝色的斜线, Blue slash,
抽打着幽暗的树林, Beat with dark woods,
仿佛在抽打一千支手杖, Seem to beat 1000 cane,
抽打一千颗老人的心。 Beating the 1000 elderly people's heart.
---心呵,何处是家, --- Heart Oh, where is home,
何处是你的屋顶? Where is your roof?

草叶,在啜泣中沉醉, Leaves of Grass, in the weep in delight
雏菊,模仿着苏醒。 Daisy, imitating the wake.
风对雨说: Wind on the rain, said:
你本是水,要归于水。 This is water you should be attributable to the water.
于是雨收敛最初的锋芒, So the initial edge convergence rain,
汇成溪流,注入河中。 Merged into streams, into rivers.

冰上无声的闪电, Ice silent lightning,
使沉沉的两岸隆隆退去, So that the two sides rumbling gray receded,
又骤然合拢。 They suddenly close up.

真的 Really

浓雾涂白了每一颗树干, Fog white-out of each one trunk,
马棚披散的长发中, Stables Pisan long hair, the
野蜂飞舞。 Flight of the Bumblebee. 绿色的洪水只是那被堤岸阻隔的黎明。 Green is just what has been the flood embankment barrier dawn.

在这个早晨, On this morning,
我忘记了我们的年龄。 I forgot our age.
冰在龟裂,石子在水面留下了我们的指纹。 Ice cracks, stones in the water leaving our fingerprints.

真的,这就是春天呵, Really, this is the spring Oh,
狂跳的心搅乱水中的浮云。 The heart beat violently disturbed water clouds.
春天是没有国籍的, Spring is no nationality,
白云是世界的公民。 Bai Yun is the world's citizens.
和人类言归于好吧, And human reconciled it,
我的歌声。 My voice.

微笑•雪花•星星 Snowflake Star Smile

一切都在飞快地旋转, Everything fast to spin,
只有你静静地微笑。 Only you quietly smile.

从微笑的红玫瑰上, From the smile of red roses on the
我采下了冬天的歌谣。 I was collecting songs down the winter.

蓝幽幽的雪花呀, Blue faint snow ah,
他们在喳喳地诉说什么? Cha-cha to tell them what?

回答我, Answer me,
星星永远是星星吗? The stars will always be the stars do?

冷酷的希望 The hope of cold

1 1
风牵动棕黄的影子带走了松林的絮语 The wind affects the pale-brown shadow of pine trees away'S NOTE

吝啬的夜给乞丐洒下星星的银币寂静也衰老了不再禁止孩子们的梦呓2 Stingy beggars night to shed aging star of the silver silence is also to prohibit the children are no longer fudge 2
永不重复的夜永不重复的梦境淹没在悄悄褪色的晨雾中3 Never to repeat the night never to repeat the dream faded quietly submerged in the morning mist in the three
两双孩子的大眼睛躲在阴暗的屋檐下小天窗已经失明再不能采集带霜花的星星牵牛花已经暗哑再不能讲述月光下的童话 Two pairs of children's big eyes hiding in the dark under the eaves, has a small skylight blind can no longer be collected with the stars of the morning glory has been tarnished frosting can no longer talk about a fairy moonlight

告别了童年的伙伴和彩色的梦大地在飞奔…… Good-bye to childhood dreams partners and colored earth in the dash ... ...
让后退的地平线在呼啸中崩溃吧4 Let the horizon back in the roar of the collapse of bar 4
世界真大呀5 The world really big呀5
在早霞粉红色的广告上闪动着一颗绿色的星手牵着手我们走向前去把自己的剪影献给天空6 In the early Xia pink flashing ads with a green star to go hand in hand, we have to go to their own silhouette dedicated to the sky 6
在小小的手掌上吹出一颗轻盈的柳絮让它去揭开雾海的秘密让它去驾驭粗野的风7 In the small palm of your hand to blow one of the catkin light the secret of it to reveal it to the master Wu Hai rough winds 7
是什么在喧闹仿佛来自天上 What is the noise seems to come from the sky

喂,太阳——万花筒旋转起来吧告诉我们无数个未知的梦 Well, the sun - Kaleidoscope spin up bar told us dream of countless unknown
8 8
乌云奏起沉重的哀乐排好了送葬的行列太阳向深渊坠落牛顿死了 The heavy clouds played a funeral dirge lined up the ranks of the sun falling to the abyss of Newton died
9 9
天空低矮的屋檐下织起了浅灰色的篱笆泡沫的小蘑菇栽满路上的坑洼 The sky under the eaves, low weave of the fence has played a light gray foam mushrooms grown intensively with a small potholes in the road

雨一滴一滴滑过忧伤的脸颊 Rain drop by drop glide sad cheek
10 10
一只被打碎的花瓶嵌满褐色的泥沙 A broken vase Qianman brown silt

脆弱的芦苇在呼吁我们怎么来制止这场疯狂的大屠杀 The fragile reed is asking us how to stop this crazy massacre
11 11
也许我们就这样失去了阳光和土地也失去了我们自己 Maybe we just lost the sunshine and the earth have lost our own
12 12
希望这大地的遗赠显得如此沉重 Hope that the legacy of the earth seem so heavy

寂静清冷 Silent chilly

霜花随雾飘去了 Gone With the fog of frosting
13 13
夜湛蓝的网星光的网结 Night blue stars of the network node network

报时的钟声 Timekeeping bell

这庄重的序曲使我相信了死亡 This is a solemn prelude to convince me that a death
14 14
紫黑色的波涛凝固了在山涧在摇荡的小桥下乌鸦在盘旋没有一点声响 Purplish black waves of freezing in the mountain streams, under the sway of the bridge did not crow a little sound in the circle
15 15
鸽子匆匆飞去了飘下一根洁白的羽毛 Pigeons flew in a hurry, under a white feather floating

孩子呵从母亲的血液里你继承了什么 Oh child from the mother's blood, what you have inherited
16 16
泪水是咸的呵,那是生活的海洋 Is salty tears Oh, it is the ocean of life

愿每个活着的人真真实实地笑痛痛快快地哭吧 Like all living people are really real on the ground laughing very much love to Kuba
17 17
终于雷声也暗哑了黑暗遮去了肮脏和罪恶也遮住了纯洁的眼睛 Raytheon has also tarnished the darkness was finally completely obscure the dirty and evil has covered the eyes of the pure
18 18
一盏昏黄的煤油灯用谦卑的飞爆声描绘另一个星球的见闻随着一缕青烟的叹息它摘下淡蓝的光轮 A dim kerosene lamps, with the humble pop fly to another planet, seen or heard described as the plume of blue smoke sigh it off pale blue light wheel
19 19
空中升起金色的汽球我们牵住了无形的线绳 Air balloons rising gold invisible cord that we Qian Zhu

你飘吧飘过这黑色的海洋飘向晴朗的天空 You drift bar drifting across the black sea drifting into clear skies
20 20
报时的钟声 Timekeeping bell

这庄重的序曲究竟意味着什么 This is a solemn prelude to what is meant by
21 21
希望这大地的馈赠显得如此沉重 Hope that the gifts of the earth seem so heavy

寂静寒冷 Cold Silence

候鸟之歌 Song birds

我们是一群候鸟, We are a group of migratory birds,
飞进了冬天的牢宠; Flew into the winter in prison pet;
在绿色的拂晓, In the green dawn,
去天涯远征。 To the horizon expedition.

让脱落的羽毛, To shed feathers,
落在姑娘们的头顶; Fall on the heads of girls;
让结实的翅膀, So strong wings,
托着那太阳上升。 Held out that the sun rose.

我们放牧着乌云, We are grazing the clouds,
抖动的鬓毛穿过彩虹; Jitter coming from the hair through the rainbow;
我们放牧着风, We are grazing the wind,
飞行的口袋装满歌声。 Pocket full of flying songs.

是我们的叫喊, It is our cry,
冰山吓得老泪纵横; Iceberg frightened old man in tears;
是我们的嘲笑, It is our ridicule,
玫瑰羞得满面绯红。 Crimson Rose Xiude sounded.

北方呵,故乡, North Oh, hometown,
请收下我们的梦: Please accept our dream:
从每条冰缝长出大树, Each ice cracks grow from the trees,
结满欢乐的铃铛和钟…… Knot full of joy bells and bell ... ...

日子 Days

用 抽屉锁住自己的秘密在喜爱的书上留下批语信投进邮箱默默地站一会儿风中打量着行人毫无顾忌留意着霓虹灯闪烁的橱窗电话间里投进一枚硬币问桥下钓鱼的老头要 支香烟河上的轮船拉响了空旷的汽笛在剧场门口幽暗的穿衣镜前透过烟雾凝视着自己当窗帘隔绝了星海的喧嚣灯下翻开褪色的照片和字迹 With a secret drawer lock their favorite book in the letters dropped into mailboxes to leave comments on stand in silence for a while the wind looked pedestrian flashing neon lights with impunity pay attention to the phone room at the showcase of a coin dropped into question under the bridge fishing The old man to cigarettes ships on the river's whistle sounded the open door in the theater before the dark full-length mirror staring through the smoke, cut off from their own when the curtains opened Xinghai the din lamp faded photos and writing

太阳城札记 Sun City Notes

生命 Life

太阳也上升了 The sun has increased

爱情 Love

恬静。 Quiet. 雁群飞过荒芜的处女地老树倒下了,嘎然一声空中飘落着咸涩的雨 Yan Qun fly virgin land barren trees fell, abruptly soon as the air falling rain Xianse

自由 Freedom

飘撕碎的纸屑 Gone with the Wind shredded scraps of paper

孩子 Child

容纳整个海洋的图画叠成了一只白鹤 Quartet built to accommodate the whole picture of a marine crane

姑娘 Girl

颤动的虹采集飞鸟的花翎 Fibrillation rainbow flower birds collected Ling

青春 Youth

红波浪浸透孤独的桨 Red wave soaked paddle alone

艺术 Arts

亿万个辉煌的太阳呈现在打碎的镜子上 Hundreds of millions of brilliant sun, presented in a broken mirror on the

人民 People

月亮被撕成闪光的麦粒播在诚实的天空和土地 Moon has been torn to flash grain of wheat sowing in the honesty of the sky and land

劳动 Labor

手,围拢地球 Hand, surround the Earth

命运 Fate

孩子随意敲打着栏杆栏杆随意敲打着夜晚 Children beat the fence railing at random, striking at random night

信仰 Faith

羊群溢出绿色的洼地牧童吹起单调的短笛 Overflow green lowland sheep shepherd boy blowing monotonic Piccolo

和平 Peace

在帝王死去的地方那支老枪抽枝、发芽成了残废者的拐杖 Place in the imperial dead branches like that old rifle drawn, germination of the cane became a disabled person

祖国 Motherland

她被铸在青铜的盾牌上靠着博物馆发黑的板墙 She was cast in bronze shield on the wall depended on black museum

生活 Life

网 Net

回答 Answers

卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证, Mean is the mean of those passes,
高尚是高尚者的墓志铭, Noble is noble epitaph,
看吧,在那镀金的天空中, Look, in that gilded sky,
飘满了死者弯曲的倒影。 Piaoman reflection of the dead bent.

冰川纪过去了, Last ice age passed,
为什么到处都是冰凌? Why are everywhere icicle?
好望角发现了, Cape of Good Hope discovered,
为什么死海里千帆相竞? Why Dead Sea 1000 competing fan?

我来到这个世界上, I came to this world,
只带着纸、绳索和身影, With only paper, rope and shadow,
为了在审判之前, In order to trial before the
宣读那些被判决的声音。 Read out the voices of those who have been ruling.

告诉你吧,世界我--不--相--信! Tell you, the world I - do not - as opposed to - a letter!
纵使你脚下有一千名挑战者, Even if you are at the foot of a 1000 Challenger,
那就把我算作第一千零一名。 It took me 1000th be counted as a zero one.

我不相信天是蓝的, I do not believe the sky is blue,
我不相信雷的回声, I do not believe Ray's echo,
我不相信梦是假的, I do not believe that dreams are false,
我不相信死无报应。 I do not believed to be dead without retribution.

如果海洋注定要决堤, If the sea is destined to burst,
就让所有的苦水都注入我心中, Let all of the grievances were injected into my mind,
如果陆地注定要上升, If the land is destined to rise,
就让人类重新选择生存的峰顶。 Let the survival of the human re-select the peak.

新的转机和闪闪星斗, The new turn for the better and sparkling l'etoile,
正在缀满没有遮拦的天空。 There is no masking is Zhuiman sky.
那是五千年的象形文字, That is five thousand years of the hieroglyphs,
那是未来人们凝视的眼睛。 That is the future of the people staring eyes.

走吧 Go

走吧, Go,
落叶吹进深谷, Leaves blowing Fukaya,
歌声却没有归宿。 Songs did not end-result.

走吧, Go,
冰上的月光, Ice moonlight,
已从河面上溢出。 From the river overflows.

走吧, Go,
眼睛望着同一片天空, Eyes looking at the same piece of sky,
心敲击着暮色的鼓。 Heart hammering the twilight of the drum.

走吧, Go,
我们没有失去记忆, We do not have loss of memory,
我们去寻找生命的湖。 We went looking for a lake of life.

走吧, Go,
路呵路, Oh Lu Lu,
飘满了红罂粟。 Piaoman a red poppy.

12.一切 12. All

一切都是命运一切都是烟云一切都是没有结局的开始一切都是稍纵即逝的追寻一切欢乐都没有微笑一切苦难都没有泪痕一切语言都是重复一切交往都是初逢一切爱情都在心里一切往事都在梦中一切希望都带着注释一切信仰都带着呻吟一切爆发都有片刻的宁静一切死亡都有冗长的回声 Everything is the fate of everything is smoke there is no end everything is the beginning of everything is the pursuit of fleeting happiness did not smile, do not tear all the suffering of all languages are beginning to repeat all the contacts are closed all the love in heart All past all hope in the dream with notes of all faiths are groaning with all the outbreaks have a moment's peace all the deaths have long echo

路口 Intersection

风停了, The wind stopped, and
风默默地站在路口。 Wind silently at the junction.
雾中浮起的栅栏, Float Fog fence
打开夜晚的小门: Open the door the night:
黑暗在用灯盏敬酒。 Darkness lights using light toast.

眼睛上的窗格子, Eye on the window lattice,
筛出了迷雾的白昼。 Screen out of the fog of the day.
学会离别吧, Association parting it,
象学会以往的一切, As learned in the past everything
象学会欢乐与哀愁。 As the Society of joy and sadness.

背过身去吧, Bei Guoshen go,
让胧弱的灯光落在肩头。 Let hazy light falls on weak shoulders.
也许你想轻松地笑笑, Maybe you want to easily and smiled,
而网住发辫的霜花, The net living braids of frosting,
和夜露一起缓缓地流。 And Ye Lu slowly with the flow.

回忆 Memories

烛光在每一张脸上摇曳没有留下痕迹影子的浪花轻击着雪白的墙壁挂在墙上的琴暗中响起仿佛映在水中的桅灯窃窃私语 Candlelight flickered in every face, without leaving a trace of the shadow of the waves of light hit the white wall hanging on the wall of the piano sounded as if implicitly reflected in the water headlight whispers

陌生的海滩 Stranger to the beach

1 1
风帆垂落。 Sailing Chuiluo.

桅杆,这冬天的树木, Mast, this winter trees,
带来了意外的春光。 Has brought unexpected spring.
2 2
冬天的废墟, The ruins of the winter,
缅怀着逝去的光芒。 Cherish the memory of the passing away of the light.

你靠着残存的阶梯, You rely on remnants of the ladder
在生锈的栏杆上, In the rusty railings,
敲出一个个单调的声响。 And win their one by one monotonous sound.
3 3
正午的庄严中, Solemn midday, the
阴影在选择落脚的地方。 Shadows in the choice settled areas.
所有的角落, All the corner,
盐粒凝结昔日的寒冷, Particles of salt condensation old cold,
和一闪一闪的回忆之光。 Flash memories and flash light.
4 4
远方白茫茫。 Distant vast expanse of whiteness.

水平线这浮动的甲板, This horizontal floating deck,
撒下多少安眠的网? Arrange the number of sleep a net?
5 5
头巾, Headscarf,
那只红色的鸟, Nazhi red bird,
在日本海上飞翔。 In the Japan Maritime fly.
火焰的反光, Flame reflective,
把和你分离的影子, To separate your shadow,
投向不属于任何人的天幕上。 Orientation does not belong to anyone on the marquee.

没有风暴就够了, There is no storm enough,
然而也没有固定的风向, However, there is no fixed direction,
也许是为了回答召唤。 Perhaps in order to answer calls.
翅膀发出弓的鸣响。 Issued by ringing the bow wings.
6 6
落潮层层叠叠, Tide layer upon layer upon layer,
在金色的地毯上, In the golden carpet,
吐下泛着泡沫的夜晚, Spit bubbles under the reddish evening,
松散的缆绳,折断的桨。 Loose cables, broken paddle.

渔民们弯着光裸的脊背, Light nude fishermen bent spine,
修建着风暴中倒塌的庙堂。 The construction of the temple collapsed in the storm.
7 7
孩子们追逐着一弯新月。 Children chase the bright crescent.

一只海鸥迎面扑来, A seagull face descend quickly,
却没有落在你伸出的手上。 Did not fall on your outstretched hand.

一束 Bouquet

在我和世界之间你是海湾,是帆是缆绳忠实的两端你是喷泉,是风是童年清脆的呼喊 Me and the world you are between the Gulf, is faithful to the two ends of the sail is the rope you are a fountain, is the wind is crisp childhood cries

在我和世界之间你是画框,是窗口是开满野花的田园你是呼吸,是床头是陪伴星星的夜晚 Between me and the world you are a frame, is the window is full of wild flowers and countryside you are breathing, is to accompany the stars of the night bed

在我和世界之间你是日历,是罗盘是暗中滑行的光线你是履历,是书签是写在最后的序言 Between me and the world you are a calendar, a compass is a silent glide of the light you are curriculum vitae, a bookmark is written in the preamble to the final

在我和世界之间你是纱幕,是雾是映入梦中的灯盏你是口笛,是无言之歌是石雕低垂的眼帘 Me and you are a veil between the world and is dream that spring fog light lights you are a mouth flute, is a silent song of the eye is a stone falls

在我和世界之间你是鸿沟,是池沼是正在下陷的深渊你是栅栏,是墙垣是盾牌上永久的图案 Me and the gap between the world you are, is a pond is being sunk into the abyss you are a fence, is a shield on the wall was further fortified permanent pattern

在我透明的忧伤中 In my grief in a transparent

在我透明的忧伤中充满着你,仿佛绿色的夜雾缠绕着一颗孤零零的小树而你把雾撕碎,一片一片在冰冷的手指间轻轻吸吮着如同吸吮结成薄衣的牛乳于是你吹出一颗金色的月亮冉冉升起,照亮了道路 In my sorrow filled with a transparent you, as if haunted Ye Wu green trees and a solitary tear you put fog, an icy fingers in a gently sucking the like sucking the milk so you form a Usugi blow a golden moon rising, lighting up the road

是的,昨天 Yes, yesterday

用手臂遮住了半边脸, Arm covered with a half face,
也遮住了树林的慌乱。 Has also covered the woods of grief.
你慢慢地闭上眼睛: You slowly close your eyes:
是的,昨天…… Yes, yesterday ... ...

用浆果涂抹着晚霞, Berries coated with the sunset,
也涂抹着自己的羞惭。 Is also coated with their own shame.
你点点头,嫣然一笑: You nodded and smiled:
是的,昨天…… Yes, yesterday ... ...

在黑暗中划亮火柴, Zoned light in the dark match,
举在我们的心之间。 Were held in between our hearts.
你咬着苍白的嘴唇: Biting your pale lips:
是的,昨天…… Yes, yesterday ... ...

纸叠的小船放进溪流, Stack of paper boats into the streams,
装载着最初的誓言。 Loaded with the original oath.
你坚决地转过身去: You resolutely turned to go:
是的,昨天…… Yes, yesterday ... ...

岛 I.

1 1

你在雾海中航行没有帆你在月夜下漂泊没有锚 Wu Hai you sail on a moonlit night you do not sail under the drifting without anchor

路从这里消失夜从这里消失 Lu disappear from here night away from here

2 2

没有标志没有清晰的界限只有浪花祝祷的峭崖留下岁月那沉闷的痕迹和一点点威严的纪念 There is no clear boundaries unmarked spray prayers Qiaoya only days left traces of it boring and a little bit of dignity to commemorate the

孩子们走向沙滩月光下,远处的鲸鱼正升起高高的喷泉 The children toward the beach under the moonlight, distant whales are rising high fountain

3 3

鸥群醒了翅膀接连着翅膀叫声那么凄厉震颤着每片合欢树叶和孩子们的心 Gull-wing group woke up after another with their wings sounds so mournful tremor with Acacia leaves per unit and the children's hearts

在这小小的世界里难道唤醒的只是痛苦 In this small world Is only the suffering of wake-up

4 4

地平线倾斜了摇晃着,翻转过来一只海鸥坠落而下热血烫卷了硕大的蒲叶那无所不在的夜色遮掩了枪声 Has rocked the horizon tilt, flip over a seagull crashed down a huge volume of blood hot Po leaves that cover the ubiquitous night shots

--这是禁地这是自由的结局沙地上插着一支羽毛的笔带着微湿的气息它属于颤抖的船舷和季节风属于岸,属于雨的斜线昨天或明天的太阳如今却在这里写下死亡所公证的秘密 - It is forbidden the outcome of this is a free one with feathers stuck in the sand with a slightly damp atmosphere pen it belongs to the wind shaking the ship's side and the season belongs to the shore belongs to slash the rain yesterday, today or tomorrow, the sun is here Write down the secret of death Notary

5 5

每个浪头上浮着一根闪光的羽毛 Each wave with a flash of feathers floating

孩子们堆起小小的沙丘海水围拢过来象花园,冷清地摇动月光的挽联铺向天边 Children come stacked like a little Sha Qiuhai water surrounded by gardens, deserted in the moonlight of the elegiac couplet shake shop to the horizon

6 6

啊,棕榈是你的沉默举起叛逆的剑又一次风托起头发象托起旗帜迎风招展 Ah, palm is your silence once again raised the sword rebellious hair like the wind hold up hold up the banner fluttered in the breeze

最后的疆界永远在孩子们的心里 The final frontier is always in the hearts of the children

7 7

夜,迎风而立为浩劫为潜伏的凶手铺下柔软的地毯摆好一排排贝壳的杯盏 Night, standing against the breeze as the perpetrators of potential catastrophe for the shop under the carpet glowing rows of soft shell cup cup

8 8

有了无罪的天空就够了有了天空就够了 With the innocence of the sky is enough is enough with the sky

听吧,琴在召唤失去的声音 Listen to it, piano sounds lost in the call

见证 Witness

我们那陌生的目光在十字路口相逢象两杯苦酒碰在了一起却没有声音 We are the strange eyes that come across as two cups of bitter at the intersection hit it together in the silent

我们头上那颗打成死结的星星呀犹如苦难和欢乐之间一滴抹不干的泪痕于是我们听见了彼此目光的声音 Labeled knot of sinking our heads like the stars呀between suffering and joy quit wiping the tears drop so we hear the voice of each eye

被理性肯定的梦境是实在的,正如被死亡肯定的爱情如果你不信它只是正在塌陷的雪人 By reason certain dreams are real, just as dead sure that if you do not love it is just being collapsed snowman

星星是见证 Star is a testimony

岸 Coast

陪伴着现在和以往岸,举着一根高高的芦苇四下眺望是你守护着每一个波浪守护着迷人的泡沫和星星当呜咽的月亮吹起古老的船歌多么忧伤 To accompany the present and the past, shore, holding a tall reeds overlooking is that you looked forward to each of a wave guard guarded fascinating bubble of the moon and the stars when the sobbing blowing how sad old chanty

我是岸我是渔港我伸展着手臂等待穷孩子的小船载回一盏盏灯光 I was fishing offshore I stretched my arms waiting for poor children, a boat to carry back a lamp light

黄昏:丁家滩---赠M和B Twilight: Ding Beach --- Zeng M, and B

黄昏,黄昏丁家滩是你蓝色的身影黄昏,黄昏情侣的头发在你的肩头飘动是她,抱着一束白玫瑰用睫毛掸去上面的灰尘那是自由写在大地上殉难者圣洁的姓名 Dusk, dusk Ding Beach is your shadow blue dusk, dusk couples hair on your shoulders waving her, holding a bouquet of white roses with the eyelashes to the top of the dust and that the Shan are free to write in the holy land of martyrs Name

是他,用指头去穿透从天边滚来烟圈般的月亮那是一枚订婚的金戒指姑娘黄金般缄默的嘴唇 That he used his finger to penetrate the smoke ring from the horizon, roll to the moon as it is a gold engagement ring girl golden silence of the lips

嘴唇就是嘴唇即使没有一个字呼吸也会在山谷里找到共同的回声 Lips are lips, if not breathing a word will be found in the valleys echo a common

黄昏就是黄昏即使有重重阴影阳光也会同时落入他们每个人心中 Twilight is the shadow of the evening even if there is heavy at the same time the sun will fall into the hearts of every one of them

夜已来临夜,面对四只眼睛这是一小片晴空这是等待上升的黎明 The night was the advent of night, faced with four eyes, this is a small piece of clear sky which is waiting for the dawn rising

雨夜 Amaya

当水洼里破碎的夜晚摇着一片新叶象摇着自己的孩子睡去当灯光串起雨滴缀饰在你肩头闪着光,又滚落在地你说,不口气如此坚决可微笑却泄露了内心的秘密 When the puddle where the broken night shaking like a leaf shaking their new child to sleep when the lights strung inlaid with raindrops sparkling on your shoulders, then rolled down to the ground you say, do not smile, but the tone was so determined to leaking of the inner secrets

低低的乌云用潮湿的手掌揉着你的头发揉进花的芳香和我滚烫的呼吸路灯拉长的身影连接着每个路口,连接着每个梦用网捕捉着我们的欢乐之谜以往的辛酸凝成泪水沾湿了你的手绢被遗忘在一个黑漆漆的门洞里 Didi De clouds with wet hands rubbing your hair Roujin fragrant flowers and my hot breath elongated lights connected to each intersection of the figure, connected to each of us dream of using nets to capture the joy of the mystery of the past bitterness cemented your tears wet handkerchief was forgotten in a doorway where the dark

即使明天早上枪口和血淋淋的太阳让我交出青春、自由和笔我也决不会交出这个夜晚我决不会交出你让墙壁堵住我的嘴唇吧让铁条分割我的天空吧只要心在跳动,就有血的潮汐而你的微笑将印在红色的月亮上每夜升起在我的小窗前唤醒记忆 Even if tomorrow morning the sun guns and bloody let me give youth, freedom and the pen and I will never surrender to this night I will never give you for allowing the wall to block my lips iron bar so that I split the sky bar as long as the heart beat, there is a tide of blood and your smile will be printed on a red moon rising on the night a small window in my wake-up memory

睡吧,山谷 Sleep, Valley

睡吧,山谷快用蓝色的云雾蒙住天空蒙住野百合苍白的眼睛睡吧,山谷快用雨的脚步去追逐风追逐布谷鸟不安的啼鸣 Sleep tight, the valley quickly blindfolded with a blue sky, cloud monocrotaline pale eyes blindfolded, Sleep tight, the pace of the valley to go fast with the rain chasing the wind chasing Cuckoo disturbed Timing

睡吧,山谷我们躲在这里仿佛躲进一个千年的梦中时间不再从草叶上滑过太阳的钟摆停在云层后面不再摇落晚霞和黎明 Sleep tight, we are hiding in the valley here, hid in a thousand years of dreams, as if time is no longer glide from the grass on the sun behind the clouds to stop the pendulum is no longer shake off the sunset and the dawn

旋转的树林甩下无数颗坚硬的松果护卫着两行脚印我们的童年和季节一起走过那条弯弯曲曲的小路花粉沾满了荆丛 Rotating hard woods Shuaixia countless stars escort the two lines of the pineal footprints of our childhood and the season winding paths through their Natiao pollen stained with Jing Cong

呵,多么寂静抛出去的石子没有回声也许,你在探求什么 Oh, how quiet do not throw stones to echo, perhaps, what you search for
-----从心到心一道彩虹正悄然升起 ----- From the Centrosymmetric heart a rainbow is quietly rising
------从眼睛到眼睛 ------ From the eyes to the eye

睡吧,山谷睡吧,风山谷睡在兰色的云雾里风,睡在我们手掌中 Sleep, sleep valley, the wind slept in the blue mist the valley where the wind, sleeping in our hands in the

船票 Tickets

他没有船票又怎能登上甲板铁锚的链条哗哗作响也惊动这里的夜晚 He did not ticket, how can deck anchor chain brawl also disturb the sound of the night here

海呵,海退潮中上升的岛屿和心一样孤单没有灌木丛柔和的影子没有炊烟划出闪电的船桅又被闪电击成了碎片无数次风暴在坚硬的鱼鳞和贝壳上在水母小小的伞上留下了静止的图案一个古老的故事在浪花与浪花之间相传他没有船票 The sea Oh, the rising sea at low tide in the islands and lonely hearts, like there is no shadow of a soft brush to draw lightning mast did not smoke was again fragmented into numerous lightning storm hit the hard scales and shells on a small umbrella in the jellyfish stationary pattern on the left of an ancient story in between the waves and the spray is said he had no tickets

海呵,海密集在礁石上的苔藓向赤裸的午夜蔓延顺着鸥群暗中发光的羽毛依附在月亮表面潮水沉寂了海螺和美人鱼开始歌唱他没有船票 Oh sea, sea-intensive in the moss on the rocks at midnight to the naked spread of light along the gull group of covert feathers attached to the surface of the moon, the tide began to silence a singing mermaid Conch U.S. he had no tickets

岁月并没有中断沉船正生火待发重新点燃了红珊瑚的火焰当浪峰耸起死者的眼睛闪烁不定从海洋深处浮现 Years without interruption and outgoing fire boat was re-ignited the flame of red coral eyes of the deceased when the arched crest flickering emerges from the ocean depths

他没有船票 He did not ticket

是啊,令人晕眩那片晾在沙滩上的阳光多么令人晕眩 Yes ah, cause dizziness Napian dry sun on the beach What a dizzy

他没有船票 He did not ticket

无题 Untitled

把 手伸给我让我那肩头挡住的世界不再打扰你假如爱不是遗忘的话苦难也不是记忆记住我的话吧一切都不会过去即使只有最后一棵白杨树象没有铭刻的墓碑在路的尽头 耸立落叶也会说话在翻滚中褪色、变白慢慢地冻结起来托起我们深深的足迹当然,谁也不知道明天明天从另一个早晨开始那时我们将沉沉睡去 Hand to block I let my shoulders the world is no longer bother you if love is not the words of the suffering is not forgotten memories to remember all my words will not pass even if the bar only the last one poplar, as there is no tombstone engraved at the end of the road stands will also be speaking in a rolling in the leaves fade, white and slowly freeze up and hold up our deep footprints, of course, no one knows tomorrow, tomorrow morning, starting from a different time we will fall asleep

桔子熟了 Oranges ripen

桔子熟了装满阳光的桔子熟了 Ripe oranges filled with sun ripe oranges

让我走进你的心里带着沉甸甸的爱 Let me into your heart with a love of heavy

桔子熟了表皮喷着细细的水雾 Familiar orange skin puffing thin mist

让我走进你的心里忧伤化为欢乐的源泉 Let me into your heart a source of sorrow into joy

桔子熟了苦丝网住了每瓣果实 Of bitter oranges and cooked live wire of each valve fruit

让我走进你的心里找到自己那破碎的梦 Let me into your heart to find their own broken dreams that

桔子熟了装满阳光的桔子熟了 Ripe oranges filled with sun ripe oranges

红帆船 Red Sailing

到处都是残垣断壁路,怎么从脚下延伸滑进瞳孔的一盏盏路灯滚出来,并不是星星我不想安慰你在颤抖的枫叶上写满关于春天的谎言来自热带的太阳鸟并没有落在我们的树上而背后的森林之火不过是尘土飞扬的黄昏 Everywhere devastated road, how extending from the foot of the pupil driven into the roll out of a street lamp, not the stars I do not want comfort in your trembling on the leaves of spring filled with lies about from the tropical sun, and not fall on our birds behind the tree and a forest fire but a dusty dusk

如果大地早已冰封就让我们面对着暖流走向海如果礁石是我们未来的形象就让我们面对着海走向落日不,渴望燃烧就是渴望化为灰烬而我们只求静静地航行你有飘散的长发我有手臂,笔直地举起 If you let the face of the earth has already frozen warm towards the sea, if the reef is the image of our future let us face the sea towards the sunset No, the desire is burning desire to ashes and we only have quietly sailing you have released into the atmosphere I have long hair arm straight and raised

习惯 Habits

我习惯了你在黑暗中为我点烟火光摇晃,你总是悄悄地问猜猜看,我烫伤了什么 I am used to you in the dark fire of my cigarette lighter shaking, you always whispered Guess what, I burn what

我习惯了你坐在船头低吟木桨淌着水,击碎雾中的阳光你拖着疲乏而任性的步子不肯在长椅上重温我们的旧梦和我一起奔跑,你的头发甩来甩去隔着肩头满不在乎地笑笑 I'm used to sitting on the bow of your crooning pulp shedding water, crushing the sun Fog fatigue and self-willed you are dragging the pace of the bench refused to revisit our old dream and join me in running, your hair Rejection to rejection to carelessly across the shoulders, smiled

我习惯了你在山谷中大声呼喊然后倾听两个名字追逐时的回响抱起书,你总要提出各种问题一边撇着嘴,一边把答案写满小手在冬天,在蓝幽幽的路灯下你的呵气象围巾绕在我的脖子上 I used to cry you are in the valley and then to listen to the repercussions when the two names chasing pick up the book, you always want to ask questions while Pie Zhaozui while the answer is filled with little hands in the winter, in the faint blue of the street you down Oh the weather scarf around my neck

是的,我习惯了你敲击的火石灼烫着我习惯了的黑暗 Yes, I am used to you burned with the percussion of flint I am used to the dark

无题 Untitled

在你呼喊的旋律中我请求:夜把往事收进瓷瓶于是花瓣合拢一片枯叶落在打开的书上尘埃缓缓腾起 The melody in your shouting that I request: Night the past incorporated into the insulator so close up a dead leaves falling petals open book on the dust slowly Tengqi

我悄悄离去带走了那本书其中有你的一页你的诅咒你的爱都已成为镜中的火焰消失在另一个更孤寂的世界里 I quietly took away the book which you have the curse of the one you love you have become lost in the flames of the mirror one more lonely world

一串钥匙在寂静的小巷歌唱别回过头去别看沉入夜雾的窗户窗帘后面,梦在波浪般的头发中喧响 A bunch of keys in the quiet lane back to the song Do not Do not look behind the curtain windows sunk Ye Wu, dream-like hair in waves Xuan ring

你说 You say

我用暗号敲门你说:请进吧,春天我迟缓地摘下帽子鬓角沾满了霜雪 I used the cypher knock on the door you said: Come it, I am slow to take off his hat and spring temples covered with frost

当我把你抱起你说:别慌,傻瓜一只惊恐的小鹿正在你的瞳孔中奔跑 When I put you pick up you say: Do not panic, stupid a frightened deer are in the running of your pupil

过生日那天你说:不,别送礼物而我的仙后星座早在你头顶上闪烁 Birthday that day you say: No, do not send a gift and my Cassiopeia flashes back in your head

在十字路口你说:别分开,永远一道道雪亮的车灯从我们中间穿过 At the crossroads if you say: Do not separate, always a sharp headlights Road through the middle of our

我们每天早晨的太阳 Our daily morning sun

小 草柔软的手臂托起太阳不同肤色的人走向你汇成光芒,你象钟一样敲响震落了山顶的积雪皱纹深动颤抖的恐惧和忧伤心灵不再躲到幕布后面书打开窗户,让群鸟自由 地飞翔老树不再打鼾,不再用枯藤缠住孩子那灵活的小腿少女们从沐浴中归来拖曳着星星和辽阔的月光每个人都有自己的名字自己的声音、爱情和愿望 Grass soft arms hold up the sun in different skin colors you put together people to move towards light, you sounded like a bell, like the snow on the hilltop Zhenluo deep dynamic wrinkles of fear and sorrow trembling heart the book is no longer hiding behind the curtain open the windows Let Qunniao freedom to fly the old trees are no longer snoring, a child that is no longer entangled with the Ku Teng flexible legs young girls returning from a shower in drag with the stars and the vast moonlight name of each person has their own own voice, love and wish

兀立在恶梦中的冰山在早晨消融,从残留的夜色中人们领走了各自的影子让沉重的记忆在脚下在行走中渐渐消失手臂和手臂相连的地平线上每个故事有了新的开始那就开始吧 Wu Li in the nightmare of the ice melting in the morning, from the remnants of the night in which people took the shadow of their memories so that a heavy foot in the walking arm and arm gradually vanish in the horizon, each story connected to the beginning of a new That to get started

宣告---献给遇罗克 Declared --- dedicated to Yu Luoke

也许最后的时刻到了我没有留下遗嘱只留下笔,给我的母亲我并不是英雄在没有英雄的年代里, Perhaps, finally, I do not have the time to leave a will, leaving only a pen to my mother, I'm not a hero in the absence of the heroic era,
我只想做一个人。 I just want to make a human being.

宁静的地平线分开了生者和死者的行列我只能选择天空决不跪在地上以显出刽子手们的高大好阻挡自由的风 Quiet horizon divided the ranks of the living and the dead, I can only choose the sky will not fall on my knees to make it appear a good butchers block their freedom of tall wind

从星星的弹孔里将流出血红的黎明 From the bullet holes where the stars will be out of blood-red dawn

结局或开始---献给遇罗克 End or begin --- dedicated to Yu Luoke

我,站在这里代替另一个被杀害的人为了每当太阳升起让沉重的影子象道路穿过整个国土 I, standing here instead of the other people who have been killed every time the sun rises in order to make a heavy shadow across the entire national territory, as the road

悲哀的雾覆盖着补丁般错落的屋顶在房子与房子之间烟囱喷吐着灰烬般的人群温暖从明亮的树梢吹散逗留在贫困的烟头上一只只疲倦的手中升起低沉的乌云 Sad fog covered with scattered patches like the roof of the house and the house, shoot out the ashes between the chimney-like warmth from the people disperse the bright treetop stay in poverty, only one tired of cigarette butts on the hands of the dark clouds of rising low

以太阳的名义黑暗公开地掠夺沉默依然是东方的故事人民在古老的壁画上默默地永生默默地死去 The name of the sun openly plunder the dark silence is still the story of people in the ancient oriental murals on eternal life quietly die in silence

呵,我的土地你为什么不再歌唱难道连黄河纤夫的绳索也象崩断的琴弦不再发出鸣响难道时间这面晦暗的镜子也永远背对着你只留下星星和浮云 Oh, my land Why do not you singing and not even the Yellow River Boat Tracker rope is also no longer be issued as Bengduan strings ringing Is it time to face the mirror and never dull back to your face, leaving only the stars and floating clouds

我寻找着你在一次次梦中一个个多雾的夜里或早晨我寻找春天和苹果树蜜蜂牵动的一缕缕微风 I was looking forward to your dream at a time of more than one night or early morning fog I was looking for the spring and apple bees affect the strands of a breeze

我寻找海岸的潮汐浪峰上的阳光变成的鸥群我寻找砌在墙里的传说你和我被遗忘的姓名 I was looking for tidal crest on the coast of the sun into a puzzle I was looking for the gull group of legends in the wall you and I have been forgotten the name of

如果鲜血会使你肥沃明天的枝头上成熟的果实会留下我的颜色 If blood will make you rich tomorrow's branches on the mature fruit will leave my colors

必须承认在死亡白色的寒光中我,战栗了谁愿意做陨石或受难者冰冷的塑像看着不熄的青春之火在别人的手中传递即使鸽子落到肩上也感不到体温和呼吸它们梳理一番羽毛又匆匆飞去 Must recognize that the death of a white Hanguang I shudder to who is willing to do a statue of meteorites or the victims of the cold watching the youth do not put out the fire in someone else's hands to pass even if the pigeon landed on the shoulders is also a sense of not combing their body temperature and breathing some feathers and flew hastily

我是人我需要爱我渴望在情人的眼睛里度过每个宁静的黄昏在摇篮的晃动中等待着儿子第一声呼唤在草地和落叶上在每一道真挚的目光上我写下生活的诗这普普通通的愿望如今成了做人的全部代价 I am a man I need to love my lover's eyes eager to spend a quiet evening of each rock in the cradle of the First Sound awaits her son calls on the grass and fallen leaves Every sincere in the eyes of the poem that I wrote of life ordinary desire to become a man is now the full costs of

一生中我多次撒谎却始终诚实地遵守着一个儿时的诺言因此,那与孩子的心不能相容的世界再也没有饶恕过我 Life has always been honest and I have repeatedly lied to comply with a childhood promise, therefore, that the child's heart can not be compatible with the world's never forgiven me

我,站在这里代替另一个被杀害的人没有别的选择在我倒下的地方将会有另一个人站起我的肩上是风风上是闪烁的星群 I, standing here instead of the other people who were killed have no choice where I fall there will be another man stood up and my shoulder is the air damper is a constellation of flickering

也许有一天太阳变成了萎缩的花环垂放在每一个不朽的战士森林般生长的墓碑前乌鸦,这夜的碎片纷纷扬扬 Perhaps one day the sun turned into a wreath hanging on the shrinkage of an immortal warrior of each forest-like growth gravestone of crows, there were numerous fragments of this night

港口的梦 Dream Port

当月光层层涌入港口这夜色仿佛透明一级级磨损的石阶通向天空通向我的梦境 When the moonlight, as if layers of the influx of the port that night wearing a transparent one-level stone steps leading to the sky towards my dream

我回到了故乡给母亲带回珊瑚和盐珊瑚长成林木盐,融化了冰层姑娘们的睫毛抖落下成熟的麦粒峭壁衰老的额头吹过湿润的风我的情歌到每扇窗户里去做客酒的泡沫溢到街上变成一盏盏路灯我走向霞光照临的天际转过身来深深地鞠了一躬 I went back home to his mother back to a long coral reef and salt into a timber of salt, to melt ice and shake off the lashes girls mature grain of wheat under the cliffs of aging forehead moist wind blew my windows go love songs to each guest overflow into the street wine bubble to become a street-lamp, I turned toward the sky to the Zhao Lin Xiaguang deep bow

浪花洗刷着甲板和天空星星在罗盘上找寻自己白昼的方位是的,我不是水手生来就不是水手但我把心挂在船舷象锚一样和伙伴们出航 Spray washing the deck and the stars in the sky to find their own compass orientation day Yes, I am not a born sailor is not the sailor, but I hung on the side of the boat as the anchor heart and partners like the sail

迷途 Lost

沿着鸽子的哨音我寻找着你高高的森林挡住了天空小路上一颗迷途的蒲公英把我引向蓝灰色的湖泊在微微摇晃的倒影中我找到了你那深不可测的眼睛 Pigeon whistle along with you I was looking for tall forest blocking the sky, a stray dandelion small road leads me to my blue-gray lake in the slightly swaying reflection that I find it unfathomable your eyes

和弦 Chord

树林和我紧紧围住了小湖手伸进水里搅乱雨燕深沉的睡眠风孤零零的海很遥远 I am surrounded by woods and a small lake close his hands deep water and disturb sleep Swift wind solitary sea is very far away

我走到街上喧嚣被挡在红灯后面影子扇形般打开脚印歪歪斜斜安全岛孤零零的海很遥远 I went to the street noise was blocked at a red light behind the shadow of fan-like footprints crooked refuge to open the sea is very far away alone

一扇蓝色的窗户亮了楼下,几个男孩拨动着吉他吟唱烟头忽明忽暗野猫孤零零的海很遥远 A bright blue window downstairs, a few boys with guitars singing toggle flickering cigarette wildcat solitary sea is very far away

沙滩上,你睡着了风停在你的嘴边波浪悄悄涌来汇成柔和的曲线梦孤零零的海很遥远 The beach, you fell asleep in your mouth to stop the wind waves coming quietly merged into the soft curves of the sea is very far away dream alone

界限 Limits

我要到对岸去 I'm going to go to the other side

河水涂改着天空的颜色也涂改着我我在流动我的影子站在岸边象一棵被雷电烧焦的树 The river altered the color of the sky, I have also altered the flow of my shadow I was standing on the shore like a tree charred by lightning

我要到对岸去 I'm going to go to the other side

对岸的树丛中掠过一只孤独的野鸽向我飞来 Swept across the trees in a lonely pigeons fly to me

枫树和七颗星星 Maple and the seven stars

世界小得象一条街的布景我们相遇了,你点点头省略了所有的往事省略了问候也许欢乐只是一个过程一切都已经结束可你为什么还带着那块红头巾看看吧,枫叶装饰的天空多么晴朗,阳光已移向最后一扇玻璃窗 The world was like a street of small sets we met, and you nodded and omit all the past omit the greeting may be fun just a process all over why do you still look at the bar with a piece of red scarf, decorated with Maple Leaf How the sky is clear, the sun has been moving to the last one window

巨大的屋顶后面那七颗星星升起来不再象一串成熟的葡萄这是又一个秋天当然,路灯就要亮了我多想看看你的微笑宽恕而冷漠还有那平静的目光路灯就要亮了 The roof of a huge star back then rose up and 7 are no longer a bunch of ripe grapes, as it is another one in autumn, of course, necessary to bright lights more than I want to see your smile, there is forgiveness and the cold calm eyes that lights should bright

古寺 Temple

消 失的钟声结成蛛网,在裂缝的柱子里扩散成一圈圈年轮没有记忆,石头空蒙的山谷里传播回声的石头,没有记忆当小路绕开这里的时候龙和怪鸟也飞走了从房檐上带 走喑哑的铃铛荒草一年一度生长,那么漠然不在乎它们屈从的主人是僧侣的布鞋,还是风石碑残缺,上面的文字已经磨损仿佛只有在一场大火之中才能辨认,也许会 随着一道生者的目光乌龟在泥土中复活驮着沉重的秘密,爬出门槛 The disappearance of the bell form cobweb, in the crack spread into a circle of columns where there is no memory of rings, stones of the valley spread Mongolia empty echo of stone, there is no memory of the time when the paths to bypass here, also flew a dragon and Guainiao taken away from the eaves dumb dumb bells annual growth of weeds, then do not care that they succumb to indifference is the master monks cloth shoes, or the wind incomplete monument above the text seems to have been worn only in a fire can be identified among, perhaps with the with the eyes of a tortoise living in the soil resurrection Tuozhao heavy secret, climbed out the threshold

十年之间 A decade later

在 被遗忘的土地上岁月,和马轭上的铃铛纠缠彻夜作响,路也在摇晃重负下的喘息改编成歌曲被人们到处传唱女人的项链在咒语声中应验似的升入空中荧光表盘淫荡地 随意敲响时间诚实得象一道生铁栅栏除了被枯枝修剪过的风谁也不能穿越或来往仅仅在书上开放过的花朵永远被幽禁,成了真理的情妇而昨天那盏被打碎了的灯在盲 人的心中却如此辉煌在突然睁开的眼睛里留下凶手最后的肖像 In a forgotten land, years, and horse yoke struggled all night the sound of bells on the road are shaking under the weight of the breathing space was turned into a song sung by people everywhere, a woman's necklace in the mantra-like sound coming true promoted to the air fluorescence dial sensuality the time to be honest sounded like a random iron fence in addition to being a black sheep who cut off the wind can not pass through or travel only in the books, open flowers had always been put under house arrest, became the mistress of truth, and that lamp was broken yesterday, The lights in the hearts of the blind are so brilliant a sudden opened the eyes of the murderer has left a portrait of the final

夜:主题与变奏 Night: Theme and Variations

在 这里,道路汇合一条条平行的光束是冗长而猝然中断的对话弥漫着司机辛辣的烟味粗野而含混的叫骂栅栏代替了排队的人们从门板的缝隙中流散的灯光和烟头一起被 抛在路旁任凭脚践踏广告牌依着老人遗忘的手杖似乎想走动起来石头的睡莲凋谢了喷水池里,楼房正缓缓地倒塌上升的月亮突然敲响钟声一下一下唤醒了宫墙里老的 时间日晷在旋转,校对误差等候盛大的早朝仪式锦衣飘带在风中簌簌站起拂去石阶上的尘埃流浪汉的影子从墙上滑过红红绿绿的霓虹灯为他生辉也使他彻夜不眠一只 迷路的猫窜上长椅眺望轻柔似烟的波光而水银灯不客气地撩开窗帘扰乱了梦,让孤独者醒来在一扇小门后面有只手轻轻地拨动插销仿佛在拉着枪栓 Here, the road of convergence of a parallel beam is long and filled with sudden interruption of the dialogue for unruly drivers, spicy smell of smoke instead of vague denunciations of the fence line of people from the door of the gap in the scattered light and the cigarette butts thrown on the road along next to the left to trample foot billboard in accordance with the forgotten elderly people seem to want to walk up and stick a stone fountain pool of water lilies withered away, the building was slowly rising moon, the sudden collapse of the bell sounded the wake-up call about what time a wall inside the old sundial in the rotation, proof-reading error waiting for the grand ceremony of silk clothing and streamers in the wind Zaozhao Susu stood up and brushed the dust on the stone steps from the wall the shadow glide homeless red neon lights in dazzling brilliance, he has also made him up at night 1 only stray cats Cuanshang bench overlooking the gentle waves of smoke and mercury vapor lamps may be blunt, disrupted the dream aside the curtain, let alone those who woke up in a small door behind the hand and gently pulled the gun seems to toggle bolt Shuan

明天,不 Tomorrow, do not

这不是告别因为我们并没有相见尽管影子和影子曾在路上叠在一起象一个孤零零的逃犯 This is not a farewell because we do not meet each other despite the shadow and the shadow have been stacked together on the road like a solitary fugitive

明天,不明天不在夜的那边谁期待,谁就是罪人而夜里发生的故事就让它在夜里结束吧 Tomorrow, not tomorrow, not in who is looking forward to the night side, who is a criminal and the story that night on the end of the bar at night it

艺术家的生活 Lives of the Artists

去买一根萝卜 To buy a radish
--母亲说嘿,注意安全线 - Mother said Hey, pay attention to safety line
--警察说大海呵,你在哪儿 - Police said the sea Oh, where are you
--醉汉说怎么街灯都炸了 - Drunk say how street lights were blown up
--我说一个过路的瞎子敏捷地举起了竹竿象拉出一根天线尖叫而来的救护车把我送进了医院 - I say a blind man crossing the road agility to lift a bamboo pole as an antenna pulled screaming from an ambulance to send me to the hospital

于是我成了模范病人响亮地打着喷嚏闭上眼睛盘算着开饭的时间一次次把血输给臭虫没有工夫叹息终于我也当上了医生提着粗大的针管在走廊里踱来踱去消磨着夜晚 So I became a model patient sneezes loudly contemplating the meal time to close your eyes again and again to the blood lost no time sigh bug has finally become a doctor I have also put a thick needle paced in the corridor to spend the Night

传说的继续 Legend continues

古老的陶罐上早有关于我们的传说可你还不停地问这是否值得当然,火会在风中熄灭山峰也会在黎明倒塌融进殡葬夜色的河爱的苦果将在成熟时坠落此时此地只要有落日为我们加冕随之而来的一切又算得了什么 Ancient pottery has long been about our legends can you constantly worrying whether this is worthwhile, of course, the fire will be extinguished in the wind peaks will melt into the funeral at dawn and the collapse of the river the night the bitter fruit of love will fall in the maturity of this When the sunset for us here as long as all the subsequent coronation of the agenda for what is
--那漫长的夜辗转而沉默的时刻 - That long moment of silence and the night was removed

爱情故事 Love Story

毕竟,只有一个世界为我们准备了成熟的夏天我们却按成年人的规则继续着孩子的游戏不在乎倒在路旁的人也不在乎搁浅的船 After all, there is only one of the world as we are ready to mature in the summer we have continued according to the rules of adults, children do not care about the game fell to the street people do not care about the ship stranded

然而,造福于恋人的阳光也在劳动者的脊背上铺下漆黑而疲倦的夜晚即使在约会的小路上也会有仇人的目光相遇时降落的冰霜 However, the benefit of lovers of the sun are capped spine of workers under the dark and weary night, even in dating the road there will be a small enemy's eyes encounter frost landing

这不再是一个简单的故事在这个故事中有你和我,还有很多人 This is no longer a simple story in this story there is you and me, there are a lot of people

雪线 Snowline

忘掉我说过的话忘掉空中被击落的鸟忘掉礁石让他们再次沉没甚至忘掉太阳在那永恒的位置上只有一盏落满灰尘的灯照耀着 Forget what I have said forget the air forget the birds were shot down the rocks so that they can even forget the sun sank again in that eternal place only a dusty light shining on

雪线以上的峭崖历尽一次次崩塌后默默地封存着什么雪线下溪水从柔和的草滩上涓涓流过 Above the snow line Qiaoya gone through again and again sealed in silence after the collapse of what snow line in the stream from the gentle flowing through the marsh on the Juan-juan

彗星 Comet

回来,或永远走开别这样站在门口如同一尊石像用不期待回答的目光讨论我们之间的一切 Come back, or never go away Do not like standing in the doorway like a statue does not need answering in the eyes of the discussion between us all

其实难以想象的并不是黑暗,而是早晨灯光将怎样延续下去或许有彗星出现拖曳着废墟中的瓦砾和失败者的名字让它们闪光、燃烧、化为灰烬 In fact, is not difficult to imagine the dark, but how will the continuation of the morning light there may be dragging a comet appeared in the rubble and the ruins of the names of the losers so that they flash, burning, reduced to ashes

回来,我们重建家园或永远走开,象彗星那样灿烂而冷若冰霜摈弃黑暗,又沉溺于黑暗之中穿过连接两个夜晚的白色走廊在回声四起的山谷里你独自歌唱 Come back, we have to rebuild their homes, or never go away, like a comet so bright and frosty rejection of darkness, and then indulge in the dark through the white corridor connecting the two nights at the Echo valley four songs you own

乡村之夜 Country Night

夕阳和远山交叠成一弯新月在榆树林中穿行鸟巢空空小路绕过水塘追着一只毛色肮脏的狗撞在村头的土墙上吊桶在井里轻轻摇荡钟和场院上的石碾一样沉静零落的麦秸骚动着马厩里的咀嚼声充满了威胁一个长长的人影从门前的石阶上滑过灶台里的火光映红女人的手臂和缺口的瓦盆 Overlap into the sunset and the distant hills bright crescent in the elm walk through the forest trails around the reservoirs empty nest chasing a dirty dog coat color of the walls on the bucket hit the village and the well gently sway in the clock and yard quiet on the same stone grinding of straw scattered unrest the stables full of chewing sound of a threat to a long shadow on the stone steps from the front of the glide stove fire inside the woman's arm and Ying gap Wapen

走向冬天 Toward winter

风,把麻雀最后的余温朝落日吹去 Wind, the sparrows swept along by the last sunset Yu Wen Chao

走向冬天我们生下来不是为了一个神圣的预言,走吧走过驼背的老人搭成的拱门把钥匙留下走过鬼影幢幢的大殿把梦魇留下留下一切多余的东西我们不欠什么甚至卖掉衣服,鞋把最后一份口粮把叮噹作响的小钱留下 Toward winter, we are born not to a divine prophecy, let's go walk hunched old Da Cheng left the keys of the arches of the hall came flitting into the nightmare left behind left behind all the extra things we do not owe anything or even sell out clothes, shoes, food rations to last the sound of the jingle of a little money left

走向冬天唱一支歌吧不祝福,也不祈祷我们绝不回去装饰那些漆成绿色的叶子在失去诱惑的季节里酿不成酒的果实也不会变成酸味的水用报纸卷支烟吧让乌云象狗一样忠实象狗一样紧紧跟着擦掉一切阳光下的谎言 Move toward winter, do not sing the song, blessing bar, nor pray we will never go back to those painted decoration of green leaves in the brewing season, the temptation to lose not a fruit wine will not become a sour water with a newspaper roll bar for cigarettes dark clouds like a dog as loyal as a dog closely followed by erasing all lie under the sun

走向冬天不在绿色的淫荡中堕落,随遇而安不去重复雷电的咒语让思想省略成一串串雨滴或者在正午的监视下象囚犯一样从街上走过狠狠踩着自己的影子或者躲进帷幕后面口吃地背诵死者的话表演着被虐待狂的欢乐 Go green sensuality in the winter is not degenerate, adaptable not to repeat the mantra of lightning into a string is omitted, so that ideas in the midday rain, or under the supervision of the same as the prisoners came from the street mercilessly stepping on their shadows, or hides behind the curtain stutter to recite the words of the deceased the joy of performing a masochist

走向冬天在江河冻结的地方道路开始流动乌鸦在河滩的鹅卵石上孵化出一个个月亮谁醒了,谁就会知道梦将降临大地沉淀成早上的寒霜代替那些疲倦不堪的星星罪恶的时间将要中止而冰山连绵不断成为一代人的塑像 Towards winter in the frozen river where the road began to flow in the flood of pebbles crow hatched a month on the moon who is awake and who will know that dreams will come to the earth instead of settling into a frosty morning, the stars of those jaded evil time will be suspended The tip of continuous becoming a statue of a generation

恶梦 Nightmare

在方向不定的风上我画了一只眼睛于是凝滞的时刻过去了却没有人醒来恶梦依旧在阳光下泛滥漫过河床,在鹅卵石上爬行催动着新的磨擦和角逐在枝头,在房檐上鸟儿惊恐的目光凝成了冰垂向大地道路上的车辙又结起一层薄霜没有人醒来 Uncertainty in the direction of the wind, I drew an eye on the point of being stagnant so the moment passed and no one woke up the nightmare is still in the sunshine flooding submerged bed, in the pebbles on the crawl sending the new friction and rivalry in the tree branches, frightened birds in the eaves on the eyes and cemented the vertical ground ice rut on the road a thin layer of frost from the same mistakes that no one wakes up

归程 Return Journey

汽笛长鸣不已难道你还想数清那棵梧桐上的乌鸦默默地记住我们仿佛凭借这点点踪影就不会迷失在另一场梦中 Do you want to whistle ringing incessantly to count crows on the tree Indus silently remember as if we are with this little bit of sight will not be lost in another dream

陈叶和红色的蓓蕾在灌木丛上摇曳其实并没有风而藏匿于晨光中的霜穿越车窗时留下你苍白的倦容 Chen leaves and red bud on a bush swaying in the wind is actually not hiding in the dawn of the cream through the window when you leave your pale, tired

是的,你不顾一切总要踏上归程昔日的短笛在被抛弃的地方早已经繁衍成树林守望道路,廓清天空 Yes, you always have to set foot on Return Journey desperate old piccolo in the abandoned sites have already been multiplied into the woods watch roads, clearance of the sky

祝酒 Toast

这 杯中盛满了夜晚没有灯光,房子在其中沉浮柏油路的虚线---直延伸到云层没有上升的汽流,想想昨天在闪电之间寻找安宁雨燕匆匆地出入楼梯没有沾上尘土而一 支支枪和花束排成树林,对准了情人的天空夏天过去了,红高粱从一顶顶浮动的草帽上走来但不幸的成熟或死亡都无法拒绝,在你的瞳孔里夜色多么温柔,谁又能阻 止两辆雾中对开的列车在此刻相撞 This cup is not filled with the night lights, the house in which the ups and downs of the dotted line --- straight asphalt cloud does not extend to the increase in steam flow, think of yesterday, between the search for peace in the Lightning Swift rushing out of the staircase is not coated with dust and a gun and bouquet of flowers arranged in the woods, the targeting of a lover's sky in the summer passed, and Red Sorghum Dingding from a straw hat floating on the coming of maturity or death, but, unfortunately, can not be refused, where the night in your pupil how gentle, who can stop the two fog off the train collision at this moment

你在雨中等待着我 You are waiting for me in the rain

你 在雨中等待着我路通向窗户深处月亮的背面一定很冷那年夏夜,白马和北极光驰过我们曾久久地战栗去吧,你说别让愤怒毁灭了我们就象进入更年期的山那样无法解 脱从许多路口,我们错过却在一片沙漠中相逢所有的年代聚集在这里鹰,还有仙人掌聚集在这里比热浪中的幻影更真实只要惧怕诞生,惧怕那些来不及戴上面具的笑 容一切就和死亡有关那年夏夜并不是终结你在雨中等待着我 You are waiting in the rain, I road that leads to the depths of the moon on the back windows of some very cold that year, summer night, white horse, and the northern lights Chiguo We have a long time to tremble go, do not let anger destroy you say that we like to enter menopause Hill did not escape from a number of junctions, we are in the midst of the desert miss the reunion of all gathered here the age of eagles, as well as cactus are gathered here in the phantom than the heat as long as the fear of the birth of a more realistic, afraid of those who smile too late to don the mask of all and the death of the summer night is not the end of that year, you are waiting for me in the rain,

履历 CV

我曾正步走过广场剃光脑袋为了更好地寻找太阳却在疯狂的季节里转了向,隔着栅栏会见那些表情冷漠的山羊直到从盐碱地似的白纸上看到理想我弓起了脊背自以为找到了表达真理的唯一方式,如同烘烤着的鱼梦见海洋万岁! I had goose-square shaved head walked in order to better find the sun but in the crazy season turning direction, across the fence met with indifference of those expressions of goats from the saline-alkali land like a piece of paper until you see the ideal of the spine, I Gongqi believe they have found the only way the truth of expression, like baking a marine fish Long live the dream! 我 只他妈喊了一声胡子就长出来了纠缠着,象无数个世纪我不得不和历史作战并用刀子与偶像们结成亲眷,倒不是为了应付那从蝇眼中分裂的世界在争吵不休的书堆里 我们安然平分了倒卖每一颗星星的小钱一夜之间,我赌输了腰带,又赤条条地回到世上点着无声的烟卷是给这午夜致命的一枪当天地翻转过来我被倒挂在一棵墩布似 的老树上眺望 I have only his mother shouted out a long beard on the haunted, like many I had and history for centuries and used a knife fight with the idols were formed Qinjuan But they were not in order to meet those eyes from the flies in a row over the divided world of books We split a heap Enron resold the stars a little money each night, I bet lost belt, but also naked back to the world lit cigarette is to give it the silent midnight, fired the fatal shot when I was upside down heaven and earth upside down In a mop-like old trees overlooking the

无题 Untitled

积怨使一滴水变得混浊我疲倦了,风暴搁浅在沙滩上那桅杆射中的太阳是我内心的囚徒,而我却被它照耀的世界所放逐礁石,这异教徒的黑色祭坛再也没有什么可供奉除了自己,去打开或合上那本喧嚣的书 Grudges so I tired a drop of water becomes turbid, and the storm that stranded on the beach in the sun is the mast shot a prisoner to my heart, and I been shining world of exile that it rock, this pagan altar of black There's nothing In addition to worship their own, to open or close the book and that this noise

同谋 Accomplice

很多年过去了,云母在泥沙里闪着光芒又邪恶,又明亮犹如腹蛇眼睛中的太阳手的丛林,一条条歧路出没那只年轻的鹿在哪儿或许只有基地改变这里的荒凉,组成了市镇自由不过是猎人与猎物之间的距离当我们回头望去在父辈们肖像的广阔背景上蝙蝠划出的圆弧,和黄昏 Many years have passed, mica shining light in the sediment where they evil, but also bright, like a snake belly in the sun, hand-eye jungle, a Crossroads of the young deer infested Nazhi where perhaps only a base to change the barren here to form the city Town freedom is nothing but the distance between hunter and prey when we looked back at the father's portrait of the broad background to draw the bat arc, and evening

一起消失我们不是无辜的早已和镜子中的历史成为同谋,等待那一天在火山岩浆里沉积下来化作一股冷泉重见黑暗 We are not innocent disappeared long ago, and the mirror of history to become an accomplice, waiting for the day of the magma inside the volcano deposited into a dark Yi Gu Reisen Shigemi

随想 Caprice

黄昏从烽火台上升起在这界河的岛屿上一个种族栖息又蔓延,土地改变了颜色神话在破旧的棉絮下梦的妊娠也带着箭毒扩散时痛苦的悸动,号角沉寂尸骨在夜间走动在妻子不断涌出的泪水中展开了白色的屏风遮住那通向远方的门 Dusk rising from the beacon tower at the border river island habitats also a race the spread of the myth of the land to change the color of the cotton under the old dream of pregnancy are also suffering with a curare-proliferation when the vibrations of the trumpet quiet walk at night in the bones constant gush of tears, his wife launched a white screen covered the door that leads to distant

东方,这块琥珀里是一片苍茫的岸芦苇丛驶向战栗的黎明渔夫舍弃了船,炊烟般离去历史从岸边出发砍伐了大片的竹林在不朽的简册上写下有限的文字 The East, this piece of amber is a hazy shore reed trembling towards the dawn of a fisherman abandoned the boat, smoke-like history, from the coast cut away large tracts of bamboo forest in the booklet, wrote the immortal words of limited

墓穴里,一盏盏长明灯目睹了青铜或黄金的死亡还有一种死亡小麦的死亡在那刀剑交叉的空隙中它们曾挑战似地生长点燃阳光,灰烬覆盖着冬天车轮倒下了沿着辐条散射的方向被风沙攻陷的城池是另一种死亡,石碑包裹在丝绸般柔软的苔藓里如同熄灭了的灯笼 Graves, a long lamp light bronze or gold has witnessed the death of the death of wheat, there is a death cross swords in that they had a gap in the growth of the challenges Side lit the sun, covered with the ashes of winter, the wheels fell scattered along the spokes the direction of the dust fall of the fortresses is another death, stone wrapped in silky soft moss inside out like a lantern

只有道路还活着那勾勒出大地最初轮廓的道路穿过漫长的死亡地带来到我的脚下,扬起了灰尘古老的炮台上一朵朵硝烟未散我早已被铸造,冰冷的铸铁内保持着冲动,呼唤雷声,呼唤从暴风雨中归来的祖先而千万个幽灵从地下长出一棵孤独的大树为我们蔽荫,让我们尝到苦果就在这出发之时 Only the road is still alive and that the earth was originally sketched out the contours of the death of a long road through the area came to my feet, stirring up the dust the ancient fort on the loose I did not smoke a blossoming has long been casting, cold cast iron to maintain the impulse, Call thunder storm return calls from the ancestors and the specter of 10 million alone from the ground grow a shade tree for us, let us taste the bitter fruit of time on this that

主人 Master

被怠慢的客人走了他留下灾难性的消息和一只手套为了再敲响我的门我仍无法看清白昼的焰火舞曲响起那从磨房流出的月光充满了梦的暗示相信奇迹吧奇迹就是那颗墙上的钉子我的影子在试钉子上摇晃的衣服试我最后的运气两次敲门之间支撑睡眠的手垂下来危险的楼梯从夜色中显出轮廓 Neglect of the guests were gone he left a disastrous news and a glove in order to re-ring my door and I still can not see daylight fireworks dance music sounded from the mill out of the moon that is full of hints of dream believe in miracles Bar Miracle is sinking, shadows on the wall of the nail of my nail on the trial shaking clothes try my luck finally knocked on the door between the two hands hanging to support the risk of sleep from the night of the stairs showing contours

很多年 Years

这是你,这是被飞翔的阴影困扰的你忽明忽暗我不再走向你寒冷也让我失望很多年,冰山形成以前鱼曾浮出水面沉下去,很多年我小心翼翼穿过缓缓流动的夜晚灯火在钢叉上闪烁很多年,寂寞这没有钟的房间离去的人也会带上钥匙,很多年在浓雾中吹起口哨 This is you, this is for you flying shadows flickering troubled you I will not go cold, let me down many years before the formation of the iceberg sink the fish had surfaced, many years I slowly flows through carefully Night lights flashing at the Fork for many years on the lonely This is not the person to leave the room clock will bring the key to a lot of whistling in thick fog

青年诗人的肖像 Portrait of young poet

那 从袖口拽出的灵感没完没了,你日夜穿行在长长的句子和胡同里,你生下来就老了尽管雄心照旧沿着秃顶的边缘生长摘下假牙,你更象个孩子一转身就把名字写在公 共厕所的墙上由于发育不良,你每天都要吞下几片激素让嗓音温顺得象隔壁那只叫春的猫一连九个喷嚏都落在纸上,你不在乎重复再者钱也未必干净可人人都喜欢救 火车发疯似地呼啸提醒你赞美交过保险费的月亮或者赞美没交保险费的板斧,沉甸甸的比起思想来更有分量天冷得够呛,血都黑了,夜晚就象冻伤了的大脚指头那样 麻木,你一瘸一拐地出入路边的小树林会会那帮戴桂冠的家伙们每棵树有每棵树的猫头鹰碰上熟人真头疼他们总喜欢提起过去过去嘛,我和你大伙都是烂鱼 That endless inspiration from the cuff pulling you day and night, walking in long sentences and alleys, you were born on the old business as usual despite the ambitions of the growth along the edge of off bald dentures, are you more like a child a turn on the their names written on the walls of public toilets because of dysplasia, you have to swallow a few slices of hormones every day so that gentle voice, like a cat next door Nazhijiaochun sneeze fall on the nine-day paper, you do not care to repeat Moreover, the money it may not be everyone likes a clean fire engines roar to remind you frantically handed compliment or praise the moon without insurance to pay the insurance premiums string to his bow heavy thinking more weight than the cruelly cold weather, the blood is dark at night as the big toes frostbitten so numb, you limped out of roadside trees will be wearing a crown band of guys each tree has each tree owl they always run into acquaintances really a headache like bringing up the past in the past Well, you and I and everyone are all rotten fish

回声 Echo

你走不出这峡谷在送葬的行列你不能单独放开棺木与死亡媾和,让那秋天继续留在家中留在炉旁的洋铁罐里结出不孕的蓓蕾雪崩开始了-- You get out of the canyon in the ranks of funeral you can not open up the coffin and death alone make peace, let it fall to stay at home and stay in the hearth of foreign cans bear infertility bud avalanche began --
回声找到你和人们之间心理上的联系:幸存下去,幸存到明天而连接明天的一线阳光,来自隐藏在你胸中的钻石罪恶和钻石你走不出这峡谷,因为被送葬的是你 Echo to find you and your psychological link between people: survive, survive until tomorrow but tomorrow's a ray of sunshine to connect from the hidden evil in your hearts of diamonds and diamond you get out of this valley, because they were funeral is that you

峭壁上的窗户 The windows on the cliff

黄 蜂用危险的姿势催开花朵信已发出,一年中的一天受潮的火柴不再照亮我狼群穿过那些变成了树的人们雪堆骤然融化,表盘上冬天的沉默断断续续凿穿岩石的并不是 纯净的水炊烟被利斧砍断笔直地停留在空中阳光的虎皮条纹从墙上滑落石头生长,梦没有方向散落在草丛中的生命向上寻找着语言,星星迸裂,那发情的河把无数生 锈的弹片冲向城市从阴沟里张出凶猛的灌木在市场上,女人们抢购着春天 Hornets open with a dangerous posture reminder flowers believed to have been issued, the year of the matches damp day I will no longer illuminate the wolves through the trees of people who become sudden snow melt, dial the winter off and then cut through the rock of silence Smoke is not the pure water was cut off straight ax to stay in the air, the sun slipped from the wall of the tiger stripes stone growth, a dream has no direction in life scattered in the grass looking up the language, the stars Benglie, then heat the river the numerous rusty shrapnel rushed out of town from the gutter Zhang fierce bush in the market, the women rush to buy spring

陌生人 Stranger

你在博物馆大理石地面上狠狠摔了一交,鞋在冰封的河上滑得很远,我坐在船上似乎晕了船不停地拨着电话却不知打给谁下班铃声响了三遍随着沉默的人流你绝望地盯住了红灯热带雨林中的落日令人神往,我把香蕉皮似的手套翻过来抖落细沙和烟末 Marble floor in the museum you are severely throw a cross, shoes, slip on the frozen river very far, I sat on board the boat seemed to faint repeatedly Bozhe phone do not know who calls to work with the bell rang three times silent flow of people desperate to stare at a red light, you have the tropical rain forests in the sunset enchanting, I put banana skin turn over and shake off the sand like a glove and smoke at the end

再 刮掉寂寞的胡须和肥皂沫一起溅到模糊不清的镜子上,你跨过水坑看见那陌生的影子背后是广告牌上的天空一只玻璃的鸽子落在地上,我钻到床下寻找着手被闪烁的 星星划破昏暗的电影院里你含着糖块为一个悲惨的故事哭泣,我打开灯靠在门上笑了有那么多机会和你认识看来我们并不是陌生人,门柄转动了一下 Then scraped Lonely splashed with the vague beard and Feizao Mo mirror, you saw the stranger across the puddles behind the shadow of the sky on a billboard a pigeon dropped to the ground glass, I drill into the bed to find begin by flashing stars pierced the dark movie theater candy you have a romantic story of a sad cry, I laugh Dakai Deng leaned on the door there are so many opportunities and you know it seems that we are not strangers, the door handle turning a moment

雨中纪事 Rain Chronicle

醒来,临街的窗户保存着玻璃那完整而宁静的痛苦雨中渐渐透明的早晨,阅读着我的皱纹书打开在桌上瑟瑟作响,好象火中发出的声音好象折扇般的翅膀华美地展开,在深渊上空火焰与鸟同在 Wake up to save the glass windows of the street was full and quiet the pain in the rain gradually transparent morning, reading a book of my wrinkles on the table to open howling sounds, as if the sound of the fire as if folding fan-like wings to China and the United States commence in the abyss over the flame and birds with the

在这里,在我和呈现劫数的晚霞之间是一条漂满石头的河人影骚动着潜入深深的水中而升起的泡沫威胁着没有星星的白昼在大地上画果实的人注定要忍受饥饿栖身于朋友中的人注定要孤独树根裸露在生死之外雨水冲刷的是泥土,是草是哀怨的声音 Here, show me and the sunset unscathed drift between a river full of stones stir the shadows and sneak into the deep water of the bubble rising stars of the day there is no threat to draw the fruits of the earth who are doomed to endure hunger and shelter in friends who are destined to be alone outside of the roots exposed to the life and death is the rain washed mud, grass is the plaintive voice of

关于传统 On traditional

野山羊站立在悬崖上拱桥自建成之日就已经衰老在箭猪般丛生的年代里谁又能看清地平线日日夜夜,风铃如纹身的男人那样阴沉,听不到祖先的语言长夜默默地进入石头搬动石头的愿望是山,在历史课本中起伏 Goat standing on a cliff on the arch from the date of completion had been aging in the porcupine-like clusters of era who can see the horizon day and night, wind chimes, such as tattoos, as gloomy man, can not hear the language of their ancestors night quietly desire to carry the stone into the stone mountains and the ups and downs in the history books

八月的梦游者 The August Sleepwalker

海底的石钟敲响敲响,掀起了波浪 Submarine struck the stone bell sounded, setting off a wave

敲响的是八月八月的正午没有太阳 Ringing is no sun at noon in August in August

涨满乳汁的三角帆高耸在漂浮的尸体上 Spinnaker milk towering swell in the floating corpse

高耸的是八月八月的苹果滚下山冈 August August is the towering apple roll down hill

熄灭已久的灯塔被水手们的目光照亮 Beacon has been extinguished long illuminate the eyes of sailors

照亮的是八月八月的集市又临霜降 Light in August August is also the temporary frost of the market

海底的石钟敲响敲响,掀起了波浪 Submarine struck the stone bell sounded, setting off a wave

八月的梦游者看见过夜里的太阳 The sleepwalker in August saw the sun at night

这一步 This step

塔影在草坪移动,指向你或我,在不同的时刻我们仅相隔一步分手或重逢这是个反复出现的主题,恨仅相隔一步天空摇荡,在恐惧的地基上楼房把窗户开向四方我们生活在其中或其外,死亡仅相隔一步孩子学会了和墙说话这城市的历史被老人封存在心里,衰老仅相隔一步 Taying on the lawn moving, point to you or me, at different times we're only one step away from breaking up, or meet again this is a recurring theme of hate is only a step away from the sky passes, in fear of the foundations of buildings to open the windows to the Quartet that we live in One or aloof, death is only a step away from their children learn and speak the city's historic walls have been sealed in their hearts for the elderly, aging is only a step away from

另一种传说 Another legend

死去的英雄被人遗忘他们寂寞,他们在人海里穿行他们的愤怒只能点燃一支男人手中的烟借助梯子他们再也不能预言什么风向标各行其是当他们蜷缩在各自空心的雕像的脚下才知道绝望的容量他们时常在夜间出没突然被孤灯照亮却难以辨认如同紧贴在毛玻璃上的脸 Dead heroes be forgotten they are lonely, they were angry that they can walk through the sea lit cigarette in the hands of a man with a ladder that they can no longer predict what the wind vane on parallel tracks, when they huddle in their respective hollow at the foot of the statue was aware of the desperate Capacity They often come and go during the night was suddenly lit孤灯is difficult to identify as close to the ground glass on the face of

最终,他们溜进窄门沾满灰尘掌管那孤独的钥匙 In the end, they slipped through the narrow gate in charge of that lonely dusty key

无题 Untitled

永远如此火,是冬天的中心当树林燃烧只有那不肯围拢的石头狂吠不已 And never will be fire, is the center of winter when wood burning is only surrounded by a stone that refuses to bark incessantly

挂在鹿角上的钟停了生活是一次机会仅仅一次谁校对时间谁就会突然老去 Hung on the antlers on the clock stopped that life is an opportunity for checking the time only one who who is suddenly growing old

诱惑 Temptation

那是一种诱惑亘古不变使多少水手丧生石堤在阻挡倾斜的陆地滑向海底 It was a temptation to make the number of sailors killed in everlasting Causeway sloping land in the block slide submarine

海豚越过了星群又落下,白色沙滩消失在溶溶的月光中海水漫过石堤漫过空荡荡的广场水母搁浅在每根灯柱上海水爬上石阶砰然涌进了门窗追逐着梦见海的人 Dolphin crossed the constellations they fall, white sand beaches disappeared in the moonlight in the water Rongrong Causeway submerged submerged jellyfish stranded on the empty square root of each lamppost Shanghai water poured into the windows and doors slam to climb stairs chasing the dream of the sea people

地铁车站 Subway station

那些水泥电线杆原来是河道里漂浮的一截截木头你相信吗鹰从来不飞到这里尽管各式各样的兔皮帽子暴露在大街上你相信吗只有山羊在夜深人静成群地涌进城市被霓虹灯染得花花绿绿你相信吗 Those cement telephone pole was originally river floating inside a length cut-off eagle wood you believe it never fly here, despite the exposure to a wide variety of rabbit skin hat on the street do you believe that only flocks of goats in the dead of night flooding the city was dyed colorful neon lights do you believe

空白 Blank

贫 困是一片空白自由是一片空白大理石雕像的眼睛里胜利是一片空白黑鸟从地平线涌来显露了明天的点点寿斑失望是一片空白在朋友的杯底背叛是一片空白情人的照片 上厌恶是一片空白那等待已久的信中时间是一片空白一群不祥的苍蝇落满医院的天花板历史是一片空白是待续的家谱故去的,才会得到确认 Poverty is a blank marble statue of freedom is an empty eyes victory is a blank Blackbird coming from the horizon revealed tomorrow is a little disappointed Shou blank spot of the bottom of the cup at a friend's betrayal is a blank lover's photo aversion is a blank that the long-awaited letter of time is an empty group of flies covered with ominous history of the hospital's ceiling was adjourned for a blank family tree deceased will be recognized

无题 Untitled

对于世界我永远是个陌生人我不懂它的语言它不懂我的沉默我们交换的只是一点轻蔑如同相逢在镜子中 For the world I'll never be a stranger I do not understand its language it is I do not understand the silence of our contempt for the exchange of just a little Meet in the mirror, as

对于自己我永远是个陌生人我畏惧黑暗却用身体挡住了那唯一的灯我的影子是我的情人心是仇敌 For myself I will always be a fear of the dark stranger, I was physically blocked the only light that my shadow is my Valentine's heart is enemy

孤儿 Orphan

我们是两个孤儿组成了家庭会留下另一个孤儿在那长长的影子苍白的孤儿的行列中所有喧嚣的花都会结果这个世界不得安宁大地的羽翼纷纷脱落孤儿们飞向天空 We are two orphans have formed families will leave the other orphans in that long, pale shadow of the ranks of orphans in the results of all the hustle and bustle of the flowers will be no peace in this world have come off the wings of the earth into the sky orphans

菩萨 Bodhisattva

流动着的衣褶是你微微的气息 Flowing folds of the clothing is your breath slightly

你挥舞千臂的手掌上睁开一只只眼睛抚摸那带电的沉寂使万物重叠交错如梦 You waved the palm of your hand Qianbi opened his eyes to touch a charged silence that makes all things overlapping staggered Dream

忍受百年的饥渴嵌在你额头的珍珠代表大海无敌的威力使一颗沙砾透明如水 Endured centuries of hunger and thirst pearl embedded in your forehead, on behalf of invincible power of the sea to make a sand and transparent water

你没有性别半裸的乳房隆起仅仅是做母亲的欲望哺育尘世的痛苦使它们成长 You do not have sex half-naked breasts bulge is only the desire to nurture mothers earthly suffering so that they grow up

诗艺 Art of Poetry

我所从属的那所巨大的房舍只剩下桌子,周围是无边的沼泽地明月从不同角度照亮我骨骼松脆的梦依然立在远方,如尚未拆除的脚手架还有白纸上泥泞的足印那只喂养多年的狐狸挥舞着火红的尾巴赞美我,伤害我 I am the slave of that great houses only a table, surrounded by a boundless swamp moon illuminated from different angles, my dream is still crispy bones stand in the distance, such as the dismantling of the scaffolding are not yet on the muddy white paper Footprint Nazhi feeding for years waving red tail fox, praise me, hurt me

当然,还有你,坐在我的对面炫耀于你掌中的晴天的闪电变成干柴,又化为灰烬 Of course, there you are sitting across from me in your hands to show off the sunny days of the lightning into firewood, but also reduced to ashes

挽歌 Elegy

寡妇用细碎的泪水供奉着偶像,等待哺乳的是那群刚出生的饿狼它们从生死线上一个个逃离山峰耸动着,也传递了我的嚎叫我们一起围困农场 Tears of widows with broken bits dedicated to the idol, waiting for breast-feeding, newborn Elang is a group of them from the line between life on a mountain to escape a sensationalist, but it also passed my cries to join us in the siege of the farm

你来自炊烟缭绕的农场野菊花环迎风飘散走向我,挺起小小而结实的乳房我们相逢在麦地小麦在花岗岩上疯狂地生长你就是那寡妇,失去的 You come from smoke-filled wind farm Daisy wreath drift up to me, to straighten a small, muscular breasts Meet our wheat in the wheat grow wild in the granite that you're a widow, lost

是我,是一生美好的愿望我们躺在一起,汗水涔涔床漂流在早晨的河上 It's me, a life with good wishes we are lying, sweat Si-Si-bed floating on a river in the morning

可疑之处 Dubious

历 史的浮光掠影女人捉摸不定的笑容是我们的财富可疑的是大理石细密的花纹信号灯用三种颜色代表季节的秩序看守鸟笼的人也看守自己的年龄可疑的是小旅馆红铁皮 的屋顶从长满青苔的舌头上淌落语言的水银沿立体交叉桥向着四面八方奔腾可疑的是楼房里沉寂的钢琴疯人院里的小树一次次被捆绑橱窗里的时装模特用玻璃眼睛打 量行人可疑的是门下赤裸的双脚可疑的是我们的爱情 Skimming over the surface history of women uncertainty smile is our wealth of suspicious patterns marble delicate lights in three colors in the order of the seasons of the people who guard the cage guard their age suspect is a small hotel from the red tin roof covered with moss drip off the tongue on the language of mercury in all directions along the interchange bridge toward the Pentium is the building where a suspicious silence piano madhouse inside the trees again and again tied the glass windows of the fashion model with suspicious eyes and looked at the pedestrian was studied under naked pairs foot suspicious is that we love

自昨天起 Since yesterday

我无法深入那首乐曲只能俯下身,盘旋在黑色的唱片上盘旋在苍茫时刻在被闪电固定的背景中昨天在每一朵花中散发幽香昨天打开一把把折椅让每个人就座那些病人等得太久了他们眼中那冬日的海岸漫长而又漫长 I can not in-depth piece of music that can only be reached down, hovering in the black circle in the boundless moment on the album was lightning in the background of a fixed yesterday circulated a delicate fragrance of each flower opened yesterday, to a folding chair at the table so that everyone who patients waited too long their eyes and that long and long winter coast

我只能深入冬日的海岸或相反,深入腹地掠飞满树的红叶深入学校幽暗的走廊面对各种飞禽标本 I can only in-depth winter coast or vice versa, in-depth interior of the leaves Hedgehopping garden trees in the schools face a variety of birds in the dark corridors specimens

寓言 Fables

他活在他的寓言里他不再是寓言的主人这寓言已被转卖到另一只肥胖的手中 He lived in his parable as a parable, where he was no longer the masters of this fable has been resold to another only in the hands of obesity

他活在肥胖的手中金丝雀是他的灵魂他的喉咙在首饰店里周围是玻璃的牢笼 He is in the hands of fat canary is his soul inside his throat in the jewelery is surrounded by glass cage

他活在玻璃的牢笼中在帽子与皮鞋之间那四个季节的口袋装满了十二张面孔 He is in the glass cage in their hats and shoes in the four seasons between the pockets full of 12 faces

他活在十二张面孔中他背叛的那条河流却紧紧地追随着他使人想起狗的眼睛 He lived in the 12, he faces betrayal to which the river is closely reminiscent of catch with his dog's eyes

他活在狗的眼睛中看到全世界的饿和一个人的富足他是他的寓言的主人 He is in the dog's eyes to see the world's hungry, and a person's wealth he is the master of his fable

在黎明的铜镜中 In the dawn of the Bronze Mirrors in

在黎明的铜镜中呈现的是黎明猎鹰聚拢唯一的焦点台风中心是宁静的歌手如云的岸只有冻成白玉的医院低吟 In the dawn of the copper mirror in the show is the dawn of the Falcon gather the focus of the typhoon center is the only singer quiet shore clouds just frozen into the hospital crooning Baiyu

在黎明的铜镜中呈现的是黎明水手从绝望的耐心里体验到石头的幸福天空的幸福珍藏着一颗小小沙砾的蚌壳的幸福 In the dawn of the copper mirror in the show is the sailor from dawn to experience the patience of despair a stone of happiness to the happiness of the sky with a small collection of well-being of gravel in clamshell

在黎明的铜镜中呈现的是黎明屋顶上的帆没有升起木纹展开了大海的形态我们隔着桌子相望而最终要失去我们之间这唯一的黎明 In the dawn of the copper mirror in the show is the dawn of the roof of the sail is not raised wood grain patterns that we carried out across the sea across the table between us eventually to lose the dawn of the sole

期待 Expect

没有长长的石阶通向那最孤独的去处没有不同时代的人在同一打鞭子上行走没有已被驯化的鹿穿过梦的旷野没有期待 Not the long stone steps leading to the most lonely place that is no different from playing in the same age who do not walk on the whip has been domesticated deer through the wilderness of dreams did not look forward to

只有一颗石化的种子 Only the seeds of a petrochemical

群山起伏的谎言也不否认它的存在而代表人类智慧和凶猛的所有牙齿都在耐心期待着期待着花朵闪烁之后那唯一的果实 Undulating hills lies not deny its existence on behalf of all the human wisdom and ferocious teeth have been patiently looking forward to looking forward to it only after the flowers, the fruits of flashing

它们等待了几千年欲望的广场铺开了无字的历史一个盲人摸索着走来我的手在白纸上移动我是那盲人 They wait for thousands of years had no desire to spread the word square in the history of a blind man came groping my hands on white paper that I was blind moving

触电 Shock

我曾和一个无形的人握手,一声惨叫我的手被烫伤留下了烙印 I have had an invisible person to shake hands, my hands were burnt Yishengcanjiao left their mark

当我和那些有形的人握手,一声惨叫它们的手被烫伤留下了烙印 When I shook hands and those tangible, Yishengcanjiao their hands were burnt left their mark

我不敢再和别人握手总把手藏在背后可当我祈祷上苍,双手合十一声惨叫在我的内心深处留下了烙印 I did not dare to shake hands with a total handle others may be hidden in the back when I pray to God, his hands clasped together in my heart of hearts Yishengcanjiao left their mark

语言 Language

许多种语言在这世界飞行碰撞,产生了火星有时是仇恨有时是爱情 Many languages in this world flight collisions, resulting in the Martian sometimes love and sometimes hate

理性的大厦正无声地陷落竹篾般单薄的思想编成的篮子盛满盲目的毒蘑 Reason building is being silently fall like thin bamboo strips woven basket filled with ideological blind poison mushroom

那些岩画上的走兽踏着花朵驰去一棵蒲公英秘密地生长在某个角落风带走了它的种子 Inspired by these rock paintings on the beast to a dandelion flower Chi secretly taken away by the wind grew up in a corner of the seeds of its

许多种语言在这世界飞行语言的产生并不能增加或减轻人类沉默的痛苦 Many languages in this world flying the language generated and can not increase or reduce human suffering of the silent

单人房间 Single room

他出生时家具又高又大又庄严如今很矮小很破旧没有门窗,灯泡是唯一的光源他满足于室内温度却大声诅咒那看不见的坏天气一个个仇恨的酒瓶排在墙角瓶塞打开,不知和谁对饮他拼命地往墙上钉钉子让想象的瘸马跨越这些障碍 When he was born, tall furniture, large and solemn little too worn out now is there is no windows and doors, light bulbs is the only source of light that he was satisfied with the indoor temperature that invisible bad weather curse out loud one by one row in the corner of hatred bottle cork open I do not know, and who is drinking his Pinmingdiwang nail on the wall so imagine lame horse across these barriers

一只追赶臭虫的拖鞋践踏天花板,留下理想带花纹的印迹他渴望看到血自己的血,霞光般飞溅 A violation of the ceiling to catch up with bug slippers, leaving the ideal pattern of imprinting with blood, he is keen to see their own blood, like a splash Xiaguang

呼救信号 Distress signal

雨打黄昏那些不明国籍的鲨鱼搁浅,战时的消息依旧是新闻你带着量杯走向海悲哀在海上 Evening rain unidentified shark who ran aground the news is still news in wartime with a measuring cup into the sea you are sad at sea

剧场,灯光转暗你坐在那些精工细雕的耳朵之间坐在喧嚣的中心于是你聋了你听见了呼救信号 Theater lights you're sitting on the ears of those Seiko fine carving sat among the hustle and bustle of the center so you deaf you heard the distress signal

守灵之夜 Wake of the Night

小村庄和全村的瘦驴被几棵枯树拴住瘟疫之路纵横奔向他乡百年的尘埃遮蔽天空 Small villages and village of thin donkeys are withered trees at the road hitch crossbar toward the plague centuries of dust obscured the sky Abroad

守灵的僧人只面对不曾发生的事情 Wake of the monks had not only the face of what is happening

飘移的雪堆围拢恶狗的眼中之火窗纸分散了月光的重量门被悄悄地推开百年的夜多么轻盈 Drift of snow surrounded by vicious dog in the eyes of the fire Chuangzhi dispersed the weight of the moonlight was quietly pushed open the door the night just how light a hundred years

守灵的僧人只面对不曾发生的事情 Wake of the monks had not only the face of what is happening

挂锁叮当作响木箱攒下黑色的时辰老猫昏睡不醒避邪的面具在墙上百年的梦点亮油灯 Ding Dong the sound of wooden padlock hour scramble to save the black mask old cat lethargy evil dream of a century on the wall lit oil lamps

守灵的僧人只面对不曾发生的事情 Wake of the monks had not only the face of what is happening

蹲在村头的土地庙青烟缭绕碑文给石头以生命以无痛的呻吟百年的记忆布下蚁群 Squatted Cuntou of tei miu blue smoke-filled life to the stone inscriptions to the groans of a hundred years to the memory of painless planted colony

守灵的僧人只面对不曾发生的事情 Wake of the monks had not only the face of what is happening

空间 Space

孩子们围坐在环行山谷上不知道下面是什么 The kids sitting around the ring the valley do not know what is below

纪念碑在一座城市的广场黑雨街道空荡荡下水道通向另一座城市 Monument in a city of empty streets of the square black rain sewers leading to another city

我们围坐在熄灭的火炉旁不知道上面是什么 We sat around the fire extinguished next to did not know what is above,

别问我们的年龄 Do not ask our ages

我们在无知的森林中和草地的飞毯上接近过天空 Our ignorance of the forest and grassland Carpet closer to the sky too

当我们占据了某套公寓如同占据了真理误入城市之网的汽车爬上水泥的绝壁在电线捆缚的房子之间夜携带着陌生的来信楼梯松弛了陷阱捕获的石狮是我们共同的主人 When we take a certain apartments occupied the truth being diverted to cities like the web of the car climbed the steep cliff of cement in the night between the wires to bind the house carrying a letter from an unfamiliar staircase relaxation of the trapped lions are the masters of our common

别问我们的年龄我们沉睡得象冷藏库里的鱼假牙置于杯中影子脱离了我们被重新裁剪从袖口长出的枯枝绽开了一朵朵血红的嘴唇 Do not ask our ages we are sleeping like a frozen fish Curry out of the shadow of dentures placed in the cup we have been re-cut blossom withered branches grow from the cuff of a blood-red lips blossoming

白日梦 Daydream

1 1

在秋天的暴行之后这十一月被冰霜麻醉展平在墙上影子重重叠叠那是骨骼石化的过程你没有如期归来我喉咙里的果核变成了温暖的石头 The atrocities in the fall after the frost in November was a shadow on the wall of narcotic flattening overlay that is the process of fossil bones you did not return as scheduled stones inside my throat into a warm stone

我,行迹可疑新的季节的阅兵式敲打我的窗户住在钟里的人们带着摆动的心脏奔走我俯视时间不必转身一年的黑暗在杯中 I, acting suspiciously the new season's parade hit me inside the windows of people living in the bell with a swing overlooking the heart of running time, I do not have to turn dark in the cup for one year

2 2

音乐释放的蓝色灵魂在烟蒂上飘摇出入门窗的裂缝 Blue soul music releases cigarette butts out of windows and doors of the cracks on the precarious

一个准备切开的苹果 Ready to cut an apple
--那里没有核儿没有生长敌意的种子 - There were no nuclear infants do not grow the seeds of hostility

远离太阳的磁场玻璃房子里生长的头发如海藻,避开真实的 Glass houses away from the sun's magnetic field the growth of hair, such as seaweed, to avoid the real

风暴,我们是迷失在航空港里的儿童总想大哭一场 Storm, we are lost in airports where the children always want to cry

在宽银幕般的骚动中收集烟尘的鼻子碰到一起 In the wide-screen-like disturbances in the nose encounter with the collection of dust

说个不停:这是我是我我,我们 Said non-stop: This is I, I, I, we have

3 3

喃喃梦呓的书,排列在一起在早晨三点钟等待异端的火箭 Mumble fudge the books, arranged with three o'clock in the morning to wait for the rocket heresy

时间并不忧郁我们弃绝了山林湖泊集中在一起为什么我们在一起一只铁皮乌鸦在大理石的底座下那永恒的事物的焊接处不会断裂 Time is not melancholy us to renounce the mountain lakes, together with an iron crow why we are in the marble base under the eternal things that the welding and will not be broken

人们从石棺里醒来和我坐在一起我们生前与时代的合影挂在长桌尽头 People from the sarcophagus where we woke up and I sat together before his death with the times of the photo hanging on a long table at the end of

4 4

你没有如期归来而这正是离别的意义一次爱的旅行有时候就象抽烟那样简单 You do not come back on schedule and this is the meaning of parting a love of travel is sometimes as simple as smoking

地下室空守着你内心的白银水仙花在暗中灿然开放你听凭所有的坏天气发怒、哭喊乞求你打开窗户 Guarding your heart the basement of an empty silver daffodils in the dark resplendent open your mercy all the bad weather anger, cried out begging you open the windows

书页翻开所有的文字四散只留下一个数字 Pages read through all the text, leaving only a scattered number of
--我的座位号码靠近窗户本次列车的终点是你 - Number of my seat near the windows of this train is that you end

5 5

向日葵的帽子不翼而飞石头圆滑、可靠保持着本质的完整在没有人居住的地方山也变得年轻晚钟不必解释什么 Sunflower hat missing stones smooth, reliable and maintain the integrity of the nature of no one in the mountains has become a place to live do not have to explain what the young Evening Bell

巨蟒在蜕皮中进化 Monty Python in the evolution of molting
--绳索打结把鱼群悬挂在高处一潭死水召来无数闪电虎豹的斑纹渐成蓝色天空已被吞噬 - Rope tie the fish hung in the height of a backwater called in numerous lightning Butch Cassidy and the markings had become the blue sky had been devoured

历史静默峭壁目送着河上那自源头漂流而下的孩子这人类的孩子 History, saw the silent cliffs on the river was drifting down from the source of the child that the human child

6 6

我需要广场一片空旷的广场放置一个碗,一把小匙一只风筝孤单的影子 I need to square one empty square to place a bowl, a spoon alone in the shadow of a kite

占据广场的人说这不可能 Occupy the square said it can not be

笼中的鸟需要散步梦游者需要贫血的阳光道路撞击在一起需要平等的对话 In the bird cage need to walk Sleepwalker need to hit the road with the sun anemia need for equal dialogue

人的冲动压缩成铀,存放在可靠的地方 The impulse of people compressed into uranium, stored in a secure place

在一家小店铺一张纸币,一片剃刀一包剧毒的杀虫剂诞生了 In a small shop a currency notes, a razor a pack of highly toxic pesticides is born

7 7

我死的那年十岁那抛向空中的球再也没落到地上你是唯一的目击者十岁,我知道然后我登上那辆运载野牛的火车被列入过期的提货单里供人们阅读 I died that year, the air-year-old then threw the ball to the ground you are no longer decline is the only witness-year-old, I knew then I boarded the train empties bison carrying the invoices have been included in the expired years for people to read

今天早上一只鸟穿透我打开的报纸你的脸嵌在其中一种持久的热情仍在你的眼睛深处闪烁我将永远处于你所设计的阴影中 This morning, I opened a bird through the newspapers of your face, embedded in one of the enduring passion is still deep in your eyes blink at you I will always be the shadow of the design

8 8

多少年多少火种的逃亡者使日月无光白马展开了长长的绷带木桩钉进了煤层渗出殷红的血毒蜘蛛弹拨它的琴弦从天而降开阔地,火球滚来滚去 The number of fires for many years so that the fugitive sun and the moon started a long matte white horse bandage stakes nailed into the coal seam bright red blood seeping poisonous spider plucked its strings from heaven open, the ball of fire rolling over

多少年多少河流干涸露出那隐秘的部分这是座空荡荡的博物馆谁置身其中谁就会自以为是展品被无形的目光注视如同一颗琥珀爆炸后飞出的沉睡千年的小虫 How many rivers dried up for many years showing that hidden part of the museum is empty seat who is who will place in them self-righteous eyes of the exhibits have been invisible as a sleeping amber flying after the explosion millennium bug

9 9

终于有一天谎言般无畏的人们从巨型收音机里走出来赞美着灾难医生举起白色的床单站在病树上疾呼: Finally one day lies like a fearless people from out of the radio giant, praising the disaster, doctors raised a white sheet standing in a tree diseases exclaim:
是自由,没有免疫的自由毒害了你们 Is free, there is no freedom of the immune poisoned you

存在的仅仅是声音一些简单而细弱的声音就象单性繁殖的生物一样它们是古钟上铭文的合法继承者英雄、丑角、政治家和脚踝纤细的女人纷纷隐身于这声音之中 There is just a voice of some simple but sound thin and delicate like a single-sex reproduction, like their biological clock on the ancient inscriptions of the legitimate successor of heroes, clowns, politicians and ankle slim women have to hide behind that voice among

10 10

手在喘息流苏是呻吟雕花的窗棂互相交错纸灯笼穿过游廊在尽头熄灭一支箭敲响了大门 Wheezing moan hand carved tassels are intertwined lattice window paper lanterns across the veranda at the end of an arrow struck out the door

牌位接连倒下 Tablets successive fall
--连锁反应的恶梦子孙们是威严的石狮嘴里腐烂的牙齿 - The nightmare of a chain reaction is a majestic lions grandchildren rotten teeth, mouth

当年锁住春光的庭院只剩下一棵树他们在酒后失态围着树跳舞疯狂是一种例外 Then lock the spring in the courtyard under a tree that they only drink and dance crazy gaffes around the tree is an exception

11 11

别把你的情欲带入秋天这残废者的秋天打着响亮吻哨的秋天 Do not fall for your passion into the fall, the name of the disabled persons in the autumn of whistle loud kiss

一只女人干燥的手掠过海面,却滴水未沾推移礁石的晚霞是你的情欲焚烧我 A woman's hand skimmed the sea dry, but it did not dip drip over reef sunset is your passion burning I

我,心如枯井对海洋的渴望使我远离海洋走向我的开端--你或你的尽头--我 I have a heart like a dry hole on the ocean's desire to make me away from the sea up to me the beginning - you or your end - I

我们终将迷失在大雾中互相呼唤在不同的地点成为无用的路标 We will eventually get lost in the fog, calling each other in different locations to become useless signs

12 12

白色的长袍飘向那不存在的地方心如夏夜里抽搐的水泵无端地发泄黄昏的晚宴结束了山峦散去蜉蝣在水上写诗地平线的颂歌时断时续影子并非一个人的历史戴上或摘下面具花朵应运而生谎言与悲哀不可分离如果没有面具所有钟表还有什么意义 The white robes drifting into areas that do not exist a heart like a summer night to vent their unprovoked seizure of the pump end of the evening's dinner dispersed Ephemera mountains above the horizon in the water poems Ode to intermittent shadow is not a person to wear or the history of Mask off the flowers came into being lies and sorrow can not be separated if not mask all the clocks are meaningless

当灵魂在岩石上显出原形只有鸟会认出它们 When the soul on the rocks showing the prototype is only birds will recognize them

13 13

他指银色的沼泽说那里发生过战争几棵冒烟的树在地平线飞奔转入地下的士兵和马闪着磷光,日夜追随着将军的铠甲 He was referring to the swamp of silver, said there had been a war of trees smoke trees at the horizon flying underground soldiers and horses shining phosphorescence, day and night to recover with the general's armor

而我们追随的是思想的流弹中那逃窜的自由的兽皮 We follow the idea that escape a stray bullet in the skins of freedom

昔日阵亡者的头颅如残月升起越过沙沙作响的灌木丛以预言家的口吻说你们并非幸存者你们永无归宿 Those who died in the past such as the moon rises over the head rustling of the bushes in order to prophetically said that you are not the survivors that you will never be the end-result

新的思想呼啸而过击中时代的背影一滴苍蝇的血让我震惊 New ideas and whistles hit the back of the times flies drop of blood I was shocked

14 14

我注定要坐在岸边在一张白纸上期待着老年斑似的词 I am destined to sit on the shore in a white paper is looking forward to senile plaque-like word

出现,秩序与混乱蜂房酿造着不同的情欲九十九座红色的山峰 The emergence of order and chaos hive brewing 99 different passions in red peaks

上涨,空气稀薄地衣居心叵测地蔓延渺小,有如尘世的 Rise in the thin air to spread tiny lichens ulterior motive, like earth's

计谋,钢筋支撑着权力石头也会晕眩这毕竟是一种可怕的 Trick, bar supports the power of the stone will be dizzy after all, is a terrible

高度,白纸背面孩子的手在玩影子游戏光源来自海底两条交尾的电鳗 Height, white on the back of the child's hand playing the game a shadow of light from the seabed two mating electric eel

15 15

蹲伏在瓦罐的夜溢出清凉的水,那是我们爱的源泉 Crouched in the crock the night overflow cool water, that is the source of our love

回忆如伤疤我的一生在你的脚下这流动的沙丘凝聚在你的手上成为一颗眩目的钻石 Memories, such as scars on my life in your mobile dunes at the foot of the pool in your hands to become a dazzling diamond

没有床,房间小得使我们无法分离四壁薄如棉纸数不清的嘴巴画在墙上低声轮唱 There is no bed, the room too small so that we can not separate the walls as thin as tissue paper painting on the wall countless mouths to sing softly round

你没有如期归来我们共同啜饮的杯子砰然碎裂 You do not come back on schedule sipping a cup of our common slammed fragmentation

16 16

矿山废弃已久它的金属拉成细长的线 Mine waste has been a long time it pulled into a thin line of metal

猫头鹰通体透明胃和神经丛掠过夜空 Owl henselae transparent stomach and nerve plexus passing the night sky

古生物的联盟解体了粘合化石的工作 Dissolution of the Union of paleontology, fossils of the work of adhesion

仍在进行,生存永远是一种集体冒险 Still in progress, survival is always a form of collective risk-taking

生存永远是和春天在进行战争 Survival is always and spring during the war

绿色的履带碾过阴郁的文明 The tracks run over the green gloomy civilization

喷射那水银的喷泉金属的头改变了地貌 Mercury fountain jet that changed the landscape of metal head

安祥无梦 Xiang-free dream

17 17

几个世纪过去了一日尚未开始冷空气触摸了我的手螺旋楼梯般上升黑与白,光线在房瓦的音阶上转换一棵枣树的安宁男人的喉咙成熟了 Has not yet started on the 1st few centuries later the cold air touching my hand like a spiral staircase up black and white, light in the room-watt scale conversion of a peaceful man's throat jujube mature

动物园的困兽被合进一本书钢鞭飞舞悸动着的斑斓色彩隔着漫长的岁月凄厉地叫喊一张导游图把我引入城中之城星星狡黠而凶狠象某一事件的核心 The Replacement Suspect zoo together into one book has been flying Gangbian throbbing with the variegation across the long years of mournful cries can be heard a tour guide map city within a city to introduce me to the stars cunning and vicious as the core of an event

18 18

我总是沿着那条街的孤独的意志漫步喔,我的城市在玻璃的坚冰上滑行 I always along the lonely street will stroll Oh, my city, on the ice in the glass slide

我的城市我的故事我的水龙头我的积怨我的鹦鹉我的保持平衡的睡眠 My city my story of my grievances, I tap my parrot to maintain a balance of my sleep

罂粟花般芳香的少女从超级市场飘过带着折刀般表情的人们共饮冬日的寒光 Poppy-like aroma of the girls drifting away from the supermarkets for people with a knife-like expression sip winter Han-guang

诗,就象阳台一样无情地折磨着我被烟尘粉刷的墙总在意料之中 Poetry, like the balcony as I was mercilessly tortured with whitewashed walls of smoke and dust are always expected

19 19

当你转身的时候花岗岩崩裂成细细的流沙你用陌生的语调对空旷说话,不真实如同你的笑容 When you turn when the granite to crack into a thin sand strange tone of voice you use to speak to the empty and untrue as you smile

深深植入昨天的苦根是最黑暗处的闪电击中了我们想象的巢穴从流沙的瀑布中我们听见了水晶撞击的音乐 Yesterday's bitter roots deeply implanted in the darkest Department lightning hit the lair of our imagination from the quicksand of the waterfall, we heard the impact of music crystal

一次小小的外科手术我们挖掘燧石的雪地上留下了麻雀的爪印一辆冬天疯狂的马车穿过夏日的火焰 A minor surgical operation we dug snow flint left sparrow Zhaoyin a wild horse through the winter and summer flame

我们安然无恙四季的美景印在你的衣服上 We are safe and sound beauty of four seasons printed on your clothes

20 20

放牧是一种观点的陈述热病使羊群膨胀象一个个气球上升卡在天蝎星座中热风卷走了我的屋顶在四壁之内我静观无字的天空文化是一种共生现象包括羊的价值狼的原则 Grazing is a statement of opinion as a fever to make a balloon inflated sheep stuck in the Scorpio constellation rising hot air swept away my roof within the walls of the sky, I wordless contemplation culture is a kind of symbiosis, including sheep, the value of the principles of the wolf

钟罩里一无所有在我们的视野里只有一条干涸的河道几缕笔直的烟古代圣贤们无限寂寞垂钓着他们的鱼 Bell nothing in our field of vision where there is only a dry river straight streaks of smoke from the ancient sages have infinite loneliness of their fish fishing

21 21

诡秘的豆荚有五只眼睛它们不愿看见白昼只在黑暗里倾听 Secretive pod has five eyes, they are reluctant to see the day only in the darkness listening to

一种颜色是一个孩子诞生时的啼哭 A color is the time of the birth of a child crying

宴会上桌布洁白杯中有死亡的味道 Cup white tablecloth dinner smell of death
--悼词挥发的沉闷气息 - Eulogy of the dull atmosphere of volatile

传统是一张航空照片山河缩小成桦木的纹理 Tradition is an aerial photograph into the mountains and rivers to narrow birch texture

总是人,俯首听命于说教、仿效、争斗和他们的尊严 Are always people, bow down to preaching, to follow suit, strife, and their dignity

寻找激情的旅行者穿过候鸟荒凉的栖息地 Looking for passionate travelers through the habitat of migratory birds deserted

石膏像打开窗户艺术家从背后用工具狠狠地敲碎它们 Plaster bust open the windows from behind the artist mercilessly crushing them with the tools

22 22

弱音器弄哑了的小号忽然响亮地哭喊那伟大悲剧的导演正悄悄地死去两只装着滑轮的狮子仍在固定的轨道上东奔西撞 Mute trumpet suddenly get dumb clarion cry of the great tragedy that the director is quietly died two lions are still filled with a fixed pulley track Dong Benxi hit

曙光瘫痪在大街上很多地址和名字和心事在邮筒在夜里避雨货车场上的鸭子喧哗窗户打着哈欠一个来苏水味的早晨值班医生正填写着死亡报告 Dawn paralyzed in the street address and the name and their minds a lot of boxes in the night shelter in the truck noise floor windows yawned a duck to water taste Su doctor on duty the morning of the death report is being completed

悲剧的伟大意义呵日常生活的琐碎细节 Oh the tragedy of the great significance of the trivial details of everyday life

23 23

在昼与夜之间出现了裂缝 Day and night in between the cracks

语言突然变得陈旧象第一场雪那些用黑布蒙面的证人紧紧包围了你你把一根根松枝插在地上默默点燃它们 Language suddenly become obsolete as the first snow of the witnesses who masked with black cloth closely surrounded by pine roots you, you put a plug on the ground that they quietly lit

那是一种祭奠的仪式从死亡的山冈上我居高临下你是谁要和我交换什么白鹤展开一张飘动的纸上面写着你的回答而我一无所知 It was a memorial ceremony of the hill from the dead, I look down on anyone who you are and what the crane, I started a flowing exchange of paper that says you have the answer and I know nothing about

你没有如期归来 You do not return as scheduled

钟声 Bell

钟声深入秋天的腹地裙子纷纷落在树上取悦着天空我看见苹果腐烂的过程带暴力倾向的孩子们象黑烟一样升起房瓦潮湿十里风暴有了不倦的主人 Bell skirt the heart of deep autumn trees have fallen to please the sky I see the process of rotting apples with violent tendencies, like the children of black smoke rising like a wet room tiles have a ten-mile tireless master of the storm

晚景 Evening scene

充了电的大海船队满载着持灯的使者逼近黑暗的细节 Charge of the sea fleet of electric lamps filled with angels holding the details close to the dark

瞬间的刀锋削掉一棵棵柏树上的火焰枝干弯向更暗的一边 Instant Yi Keke cypress blade cut off the flames on the darker side of the branches bend

改变了夜的方向山崖上的石屋门窗开向四面八方 Changed the direction of the night on a cliff stone doors and windows open in all directions

那些远道而来的灵魂聚在光洁的瓷盘上一只高脚蚊子站在中间 Those souls who have come together in a porcelain smooth legs on a high standing in the middle of mosquito

重建星空 Reconstruction Star

一只鸟保持着流线型的原始动力在玻璃罩内痛苦的是观赏者在两扇开启着的门的对立之中 A bird kept the original power and streamlined the pain is within the viewing glass in the two opened the door of the opposition among the

风掀起夜的一角老式台灯下我想到重建星空的可能 Wind off the corner of the night, under the old lamp I have in mind the possibility of renewal Star

无题 Untitled

我看不见清澈的水池里的金鱼隐秘的生活我穿越镜子的努力没有成功 I can not see the clear pond where goldfish hidden life I did not succeed through the efforts of the mirror

一匹马在古老的房顶突然被勒住缰绳我转过街角乡村大道上的尘土遮蔽天空 The roof in the old horse suddenly reined in the reins I Zhuanguojiejiao Village Avenue dust obscured the sky

在路上 Road

七月,废弃的采石场倾斜的风和五十只纸鹞掠过向海跪下的人们放弃了千年的战争 In July, abandoned quarries tilt wind and kite 50 passing to the sea of people down on their knees to give up for a thousand years of war

我调整时差于是我穿过我的一生 I adjust the time difference so I pass through my life

欢呼自由金沙的声音来自水中腹中躁动的婴儿口含烟草母亲的头被浓雾裹挟 Sands free from the cheering voices of the babies mouth water and belly with restless mother's head was dense fog of tobacco coerced

我调整时差于是我穿过我的一生 I adjust the time difference so I pass through my life

这座城市正在迁移大大小小的旅馆排在铁轨上游客们的草帽转动有人向他们射击 The city is being migrated, large and small hotels on the visitors came in the tracks of the hat to them was shot rotation

我调整时差于是我穿过我的一生 I adjust the time difference so I pass through my life

蜜蜂成群结队追逐着流浪者飘移的花园歌手与盲人用双重光辉激荡夜空 Bees in droves chasing Rangers drift garden for the blind singer and stirring the night sky with a double glory

我调整时差于是我穿过我的一生 I adjust the time difference so I pass through my life

覆盖死亡的地图上终点是一滴血清醒的石头在我的脚下被我遗忘 End of the map covering the death of a drop of blood is a clear stone in my feet was I forgotten

布拉格 Prague

一 群乡下蛾子在攻打城市街灯,幽灵的脸细长的腿支撑着夜空有了悠灵,有了历史地图上未标明的地下矿脉是布拉格粗大的神经梦在逃学,梦是坐在云端的严厉的父亲 有了父亲,有了继承权一只耗子在皇宫的走廊漫步影子的侍从前簇后拥从世纪大门出发的轻便马车途中变成了坦克真理在选择它的敌人 A group of moths in the attack on the countryside city street lights, ghost face, slender legs of the night sky, Yau has spirit, is not marked on the map with the history of underground veins are thick nerves in Prague dream truancy, a dream is sitting in the clouds of the drastic With his father's father, with the right of inheritance a mouse in the shadow of the palace attendants walk through the corridors after the pre-cluster pro-door departure from the century-cart on his way into a tank of truth in the selection of its enemies

有了真理,有了遗忘醉汉如雄性蕊在风中摇晃抖落了尘土的咒语越过伏儿塔瓦河上时间的桥,进入耀眼的白天古老的雕像们充满敌意有了敌意,有了荣耀小贩神秘地摊开一块丝绒请卖珍珠聚集的好天气 With the truth, and have forgotten, such as the male core drunken swaying in the wind and shake off the dust of the mantra a few volts across the bridge of time tawa River into the dazzling ancient statues during the day they had hostile enmity, with the glory of hawkers mysteriously spread a velvet please sell pearl gathering weather

过节 Festivals

毒蛇炫耀口中的钉子大地有著毒蛇吞吃鸟蛋的寂静所有钟表停止在无梦的时刻丰收聚敛着田野死后的笑容从水银的镜子影像成双的人们乘家庭的轮子去集市一位本地英雄在废弃的停车场上唱歌玻璃晴朗桔子辉煌 Nails to show off the mouth of the serpent has poisonous snakes devour the earth all the clocks to stop the silence of eggs in the absence of harvest time dream amassed a smile from the field after the death of mercury mirror image dual wheels of the people by the family to the market a local hero In an abandoned parking lot singing brilliant orange clear glass

无题 Untitled

他睁开第三只眼睛那颗头上的星辰来自东西方相向的暖流构成了拱门高速公路穿过落日两座山峰骑垮了骆驼骨架被压进深深的煤层他坐在水下狭小的舱房里压舱石般镇定周围的鱼群光芒四射自由那黄金的棺盖高悬在监狱上方在巨石后面排队的人们等待着进入帝王的记忆词的流亡开始了 He opened his third eye stars sinking head warm from the East and West form the arch opposite the highway passes through two mountain sunset camel ride collapsed skeleton of the deep coal seams have been pressed into the small cabin he sat under water room, stone-like calm of ballast around the fish shine free gold coffin lid that was placed in prison at the top of the boulder behind the line of people waiting to enter the emperor's memory word exile began

早晨的故事 Morning Story

一个词消灭了另一个词一本书下令烧掉了另一本书语言的暴力建立的早晨改变了早晨人们的咳嗽声 Elimination of a word to another word of a book to order the book burned another language, violence and the establishment of the morning, changed the sound of the morning people cough

蛆虫向果核进攻果核来自迟钝的山谷从迟钝的人群中政府找到了它的发言人猫与鼠有相似的表情 Maggots attacking stones stones to the valley from the sluggish slow populations from the government found its spokesman Cat and mouse have similar expression

空中之路带枪的守林人查看柏油的湖上隆隆滚过的太阳他听见灾难的声音大火那纵情的声音 Air gun way people view the forest guards of the asphalt rumble rolling across the sun on the lake he heard the voice of the fire disaster that indulge the voice of

仅仅一瞬间 Just a moment

仅仅一瞬间金色的琉璃瓦房檐在黑暗中翘起象船头闯进我的窗户古老的文明常使我的胃疼痛 Just a moment the golden glazed tile eaves tilt in the dark like the bow of the ship broke into the windows of ancient civilizations, I always make my stomach ache

仅仅一瞬间青草酿造的牛奶沉寂玻璃杯上远处的灯光闪烁这些环绕着死亡的未来的嘴唇有月亮的颜色 Just a moment silent grass brewed milk glass flashing lights on the distant future of the death of those around the lips are the color of the moon

仅仅一瞬间带着遗传秘密的男孩奔跑中转过身来从黎明的方向用玻璃手枪朝我射击弹道五光十色 Just a moment with the genetic secrets of the boy turned and ran in the direction from the dawn of the glass towards me firing a pistol ballistic colorful

仅仅一瞬间气候习惯了我的呼吸小雪,风力二级松鸡在白色恐怖中飞奔蚯蚓们在地下交谈冬天里的情人有着简单的语言 Climate moment I just got used to breathing snow, wind two grouse flew in the White Terror in the earthworms were talking in the underground winter lover with a simple language

仅仅一瞬间一把北京的钥匙打开了北欧之夜的门两根香蕉一只橙子恢复了颜色 Just a moment a key to open the Beijing night the door of the Nordic two bananas a resumption of the color orange

占领 Occupation

夜繁殖的一群蜗牛闪闪发亮,逼近人类的郊区悬崖之间的标语写着未来属于你们失眠已久的礁石和水流暗合导游的声音空旷这是敌人呆过的地方少年跛脚而来又跛脚奔向把守隘口的方形的月亮 Night a group of snail breeding shiny, close to the cliff between the suburbs of human banners that read future belongs to you insomnia long reefs and currents coincide voices of tour guides spent time in the open where it is the enemy from another lame lame toward juvenile The Moon square guarded Pass

磨刀 Brothers

我借清晨的微光磨刀发现刀背越来越薄刀锋仍就很钝太阳一闪大街上的人群是巨大的橱窗里的树林寂静轰鸣我看见唱头正沿着一棵树椿的年轮滑向中心 I took the early morning twilight Brothers found that more and more thin knife blade is very dull blade is still the sun flash crowds on the street is a great shop in the quiet roar of the woods I saw the pickup along the tree growth rings slide Tsubaki Center

此刻 Moment

那伟大的进军那一个精巧的齿轮制止从梦中领取火药的人也领取伤口上的盐和诸神的声音余下的仅是永别永别的雪在夜空闪烁 That was a great march elaborate gear to stop receiving the powder from a dream, people who receive the wound on the salt and the remaining voices of the gods Farewell Farewell to the snow is only flashes in the night sky

纪念日 Day

一个纪念日痛饮往昔的风暴和我们一起下沉风在钥匙里成了形那是死者的记忆夜的知识 1 Day swig past storms and subsidence of the wind with us into shape where it is the key to the memory of the dead night of the knowledge

乡音 Accent

我对着镜子说中文一个公园有自己的冬天我放上音乐冬天没有苍蝇我悠闲地煮着咖啡苍蝇不懂得什么是祖国我加了点儿糖祖国是一种乡音我在电话线的另一端听见了我的恐惧于是我们迷上了深渊 I look in the mirror to speak Chinese in a park has its own music, winter, winter, I put a fly I do not cook a leisurely coffee flies do not know what is the motherland of sugar I added something to the motherland is a kind of accent I have heard the other end of phone line I fear so we hooked into the abyss

黑盒 Black Box

是谁在等待一次预约的日出 Who is waiting for an appointment, the sunrise

我关上门诗的内部一片昏暗 I closed the door of poetry inside a dark

在桌子中央胡椒皇帝愤怒 Emperor of the Central pepper on the table angry

一支乐曲记住我并卸下了它的负担 I remember a song and unloaded its burden of

钟表零件散落在皇室的地平线上 Watch parts were strewn across the horizon in the royal family

事件与事件相连] Events connected with the event]
穿过隧道 Through the tunnel

巴赫音乐会 Bach Concert

一颗罂粟籽挣脱了鸟儿拨动风向的舌头千匹红布从天垂落人们迷失在鲜艳的死亡中巢穴空空这是泄露天机的时刻 Slide a poppy seed broke free from bird wind tongue of red cloth from the 1000 people lost in the bright days Chuila the death of the den empty this time of the leak of secret

大教堂从波涛中升起海下的山峰带来史前的寂寞左手变成玻璃右手变成铁我笨拙地鼓着掌像一只登陆的企鹅 Cathedral rising from the waves in the mountains under the sea to bring the prehistoric lonely right hand into his left hand into a glass, iron drums with my palm like a clumsy landing a penguin

画——给田田五岁生日 Painting - to Tada's fifth birthday

穿无袖连衣裙的早晨到来大地四处滚动着苹果我的女儿在画画五岁的天空是多么辽阔你的名字是两扇窗户一扇开向没有指针的太阳一扇开向你的父亲他变成了逃亡的刺带上几个费解的字一只最红的苹果离开了你的画五岁的天空是多么辽阔 Wear a sleeveless dress in the morning with the arrival of the earth four rolling apples in the painting of my daughter, five, how vast the sky is your name is to open two windows, a pointer to the sun without an opening to your father, he became thorn of the fugitive to bring a few incomprehensible words in the most red apples from the age of five of your paintings of how vast the sky

夜归 Of late

经历了空袭警报的音乐我把影子挂在衣架上摘下那只用于逃命的狗的眼睛卸掉假牙,这最后的词语合上老谋深算的怀表那颗设防的心一个个小时掉进水里像深水炸弹在我的梦中爆炸听见了我的恐惧 Air raid sirens went through the music I put off the shadow of hangers for Nazhi escape the eyes of the dog relieved dentures, these last words together on the wily watch fortified heart sinking into the water like an hour depth charges exploded in my dream I heard the fear of

写作 Writing

始于河流而止于源泉 Begins at the source of the river and ending

钻石雨正在无情地剖开这玻璃的世界 Diamond Rain is moving inexorably cut open the world of glass

打开水闸,打开刺在男人手臂上的女人的嘴巴 Open the sluices, open the tattoo on the arm of men woman's mouth

打开那本书词已磨损,废墟有着帝国的完整 Open the book the word has been worn, with the ruins of the empire full

四月 April

四月的风格不变: April's style unchanged:
鲜花加冰霜加抒情的翅膀 Frost flowers plus plus lyric wings

海浪上泡沫的眼睛看见一把剪刀藏在那风暴的口袋中 The waves on the bubble in the eye to see a pair of scissors hidden in the pockets of those storms

我双脚冰冷,在田野那阳光鞣制的虎皮前止步 I have cold feet, the sun tanning in the field that the tiger before the stop

而头在夏天的闪电之间冥想两只在冬天聋了的耳朵向四周张望-- The lightning in the summer between the first two meditation deaf ears in the winter to look around --

星星,那些小小的拳头集结着浩大的游行 The stars, those little fists assembled a vast procession of

岁末 End of the year

从一年的开始到终结我走了多年让岁月弯成了弓到处是退休者的鞋私人的尘土公共的垃圾 From the beginning to the end of the year I have taken many years for the years bent the bow of shoes full of retirees dust private public garbage

这是并不重要的一年铁锤闲着,而我向以后的日子借光瞥见一把白金尺在铁砧上 This is not an important year for hammer idle, but I would like to catch a glimpse of a later date Jieguang Platinum feet on the anvil

缺席 Absent

大风统帅着敌对的旗帜一声金星喊遍四方爱与憎咬住了同一个苹果梯子上的年龄民族复兴的梦想英雄高举手臂占据夜空小丑倒立在镜中的沥青上我关上假释之门抗拒那些未来的证人这是我独享尊严的时刻冒险的火焰陌生的灰烬 Commander of the hostile winds soon as Venus shouted the banner of love and hate over the four-bite of the apple with a ladder on the dream of national revival age of heroes occupy the night sky clown holding arm handstand on the asphalt in the mirror, I closed the door to resist those on parole next This is my witness a moment of dignity exclusive adventure ashes of the flame strange

午夜歌手 Midnight Singer

一首歌是房顶上奔跑的贼偷走了六种颜色并把红色指针指向四点钟的天堂四点钟爆炸在公鸡脑袋里有四点钟的疯狂 A song is running on the roof of the thief stole the six kinds of color and to the red pointer to a paradise for four o'clock four o'clock in the cock head exploded four o'clock madness

一首歌是棵保持敌意的树在边界另一边它放出诺言那群吞吃明天的狼 A song to keep hostile trees trees on the other side of the border it is released tomorrow promises the group of the wolf devour

一首歌是背熟身体的镜子是记忆之王是蜡制的舌头们议论的火光是神话喂养的花草是蒸汽火车头闯进教室 Memorize a song is a mirror of the body is the memory of the king is the wax of the tongue who talk of the fire is a myth to feed the flowers are steam locomotive broke into the classroom

一首歌是一个歌手的死亡他的死亡之夜被压成黑色唱片反复歌唱 A song is a singer's death night of his death has been repeatedly pressed into the black album song

多事之秋 Eventful

深深陷入黑暗的蜡烛在知识的页岩中寻找标本鱼贯的文字交尾后和文明一起沉睡到天明惯性的轮子,禁欲的雪人大地棋盘上的残局已搁置了多年一个逃避规则的男孩越过界河去送信那是诗,或死亡的邀请 Deep into the dark candles in the knowledge of the shale samples to look for text in single file, after mating, and sleeping to the dawn of civilization with the inertia of the wheels, abstinence Snowman aftermath of the land board had been shelved for many years a boy to escape the rules to deliver a letter across the border river It was poetry, or death's invitation

以外 Outside

瓶中的风暴率领着大海前进码头以外,漂浮的不眠之夜上拥抱的情人接上权力的链条画框以外,带古典笑容的石膏像以一日之内的阴影说话信仰以外,骏马追上了死亡月亮不停地在黑色事件上盖章故事以外,一棵塑料树迎风招展阴郁的粮食是我们生存的借口 The Storm led the bottle forward port away from the sea, floating on the sleepless nights of the lover embraced the power connected to the chain frame outside of the plaster with a classic smile to the shadows within a day of faith to speak outside the horse to catch up with the dead moon in a black case kept the story on the seal outside a plastic tree fluttering in the breeze gloomy food is an excuse for our survival

致T.Transtromer To T. Transtromer

你把一首诗的最后一句锁在心里--那是你的重心随教堂的钟声摆动的重心和无头的天使跳舞时你保持住了平衡 You put a poem of the last one locked in the mind - it is your center of gravity with the church bells swing focus and headless angel to keep you dancing to live a balance

你的大钢琴立在悬崖上听众们紧紧抓住它惊雷轰鸣,琴键疾飞你回味着夜的列车怎样追上了未来的黑暗 Your grand piano standing on a cliff on the audience firmly grasp it thunder roar, keys Jifei pondering over the night train you how to catch up with the darkness of the future

从蓝房子的车站出发你冒雨去查看蘑菇日与月,森林里的信号灯: Starting from the blue house the station the rain to see your meeting with mushroom month, the forest of lights:
七岁的彩虹后面挤满带着汽车面具的人 Rainbow after the age of seven with a car full of masked people

走廊 Corridor

那些啤酒瓶盖那流动的大街输送到哪儿那年我逃学,在电影院在银幕无尽的走廊里我突然被放大那一刻是一把轮椅其余的日子推着我远行-- Those beer bottle was transported to the streets where the flow of that year, I cut class, and in cinemas in the endless corridors of the screen is magnified moment I suddenly was a wheelchair the rest of the day pushing me a long journey --

全世界自由的代理人把我输入巨型电脑: The free agent took me around the world enter the mega-computers:
一个潜入字典的外来者一名持不同政见者或一种与世界的距离 A dictionary outsiders sneak into a dissident or a distance with the world

走廊尽头,某些字眼冒烟被偷走玻璃的窗户面对的是官僚的冬天 At the end of the corridor, some words have been stolen smoke glass windows facing a winter of bureaucracy

午后随笔 Afternoon随笔

女侍沉甸甸的乳房草梅冰淇淋 Waitress heavy breasts strawberry ice cream

遮阳伞礼貌地照顾我太阳照顾一只潮虫 Umbrellas politely take care of me the sun to take care of a wave of worms

醉汉们吹响了空酒瓶我和烟卷一起走神 They sounded drunk and cigarette with an empty bottle I go God

警笛,收缩着地平线限制了我的时间 Siren, shrink the horizon limit my time

水龙头干吼的四合院升起了无为的秋天 Faucet stem the rising roar of the courtyard of the inaction of the fall

苹果与顽石 Apple and hard stone

大海的祈祷仪式一个坏天气俯下了身 Sea prayer a bad weather bent around a

顽石空守五月抵抗着绿色传染病 Hard stone against the green space Shou-May infectious diseases

四季轮流砍划着大树群星在辨认道路 Seasons paddled alternately cut trees in the identification of the Road Star

醉汉以他的平衡术从时间中突围 Drunk with his balancing act from time to stand

一颗子弹穿过苹果生活已被借用 A bullet had passed through Apple's life has been borrowed

东方旅行者 Eastern travelers

早饭包括面包果酱奶油和茶。 Breakfast including bread, jam, butter and tea. 我看窗外肥胖的鸽子周围的客人动作迟缓水族馆 I see fat dove out the window moves slowly around the Aquarium Guests

我沿着气泡攀登 I have to climb along the bubble

四匹花斑小马的精彩表演它们期待的是燕麦细细咀嚼时间的快乐 4 piebald colt of entertainment they are looking forward to the joy of oat thin chewing time

我沿着雷鸣的掌声攀登 I climb down the thunderous applause

推土机过后的夏天我和一个陌生人交换眼色死神是偷拍的大师他借助某双眼睛选取某个角度 Bulldozers after the summer a stranger to me and wink at his death was photographed with a master of pairs of eyes and select a certain point of a

我沿着陌生人的志向攀登 I have aspirations to climb along the stranger

那自行车赛手表情变形他无法停下来,退出激流像弹钢琴的某个手指 Cycling expression of deformed hand that he was unable to stop, quit playing the piano like a torrent fingers

我沿着旋律攀登 I climb down the melody

某人在等火车时入睡他开始了终点以后的旅行电话录音机回答: A person to fall asleep waiting for the train he began to travel beyond the finish line telephone recorder replied:
请在信号响声后留话 Please leave a message after the beep signal

无题 Untitled

苍鹰的影子掠过麦田战栗 Goshawk's shadow swept Wheat tremble

我成为秋天的解释者回到大路上戴上帽子集中思想 I became the interpreter of the fall back to the road wearing a hat and focus on thinking

如果天空不死 If the sky die

忧郁 Depression

我乘电梯从地下停车场升到海平线的位置冥想继续上升,越过蓝色 I took the elevator from the underground car park location of sea level rise to meditation continues to rise across the blue

像医生一样不可阻挡他们,在决定我的一生: Like medical practitioners and can not stop them, in deciding my life:
通向成功的道路 The road to success

男孩子的叫喊与季节无关他在成长,他知道怎样在梦里伤害别人 Boys cry has nothing to do with the season he was growing up, he knows how to hurt others in a dream

夜巡 Nightwatching

他们的天空,我的睡眠黑暗中的演讲者 Their sky, I sleep in the dark speakers

在冬天转车在冬天转车养蜂人远离他的花朵 In the winter transfer away from him during the winter transfer beekeepers flowers

另一个季节在停电小小的祭品呵不同的声部的烛火 Another season of offerings in the outage Oh little different voices of the candlelight

老去已不可能,老去的半路,老虎回头-- Grow old has been impossible to grow old halfway, the tiger back --

在天涯 In Tianya

群山之间的爱情 The love between the mountains

永恒,正如万物的耐心简化人的声音一声凄厉的叫喊从远古至今 Eternal, as the patience of all things to simplify the voice soon as mournful cry from the ancient times so far

休息吧,疲惫的旅行者受伤的耳朵暴露了你的尊严 Break it, tired travelers injured the dignity of your ear exposed

一声凄厉的叫喊 Soon as mournful cry

毒药 Poison

烟草屏住呼吸 Tobacco hold your breath

流亡者的窗户对准大海深处放飞的翅膀冬日的音乐驶来像褪色的旗帜 Alignment windows exile flying wings winter depths of the sea drove the music like a faded banner

是昨天的风,是爱情 Yesterday's wind, is love

悔恨如大雪般降落当一块石头裸露出结局我以此刻痛哭余生 Remorse, such as the snow landed like a stone when exposed to a conclusion at the moment I cried rest of his life

再给我一个名字 Give me a name

我伪装成不幸遮挡母语的太阳 I, unfortunately, disguised as the mother tongue blocking the sun

醒悟 Awakening

成群的乌鸦再次出现冲向行军的树林 Flocks of crows rushed again march in the woods

我在冬天的斜坡上醒来梦向下滑行 I woke up the slope in the winter sliding down a dream

有时阳光仍保持两只狗见面时的激动 Sometimes, the sun remains the excitement of two dogs when they meet

那交响乐是一所医院整理着尘世的混乱 That symphony is a hospital order with the chaos on earth

老人突然撒手一生织好的布匹 Suddenly a lifetime weaving a good old wash cloth

水涌上枝头金属的玫瑰永不凋零 Water well up on the branches of metal rose that never withers

告别之词 Words of farewell

转身向幸福哦,陌生的立场迁徙的时刻谁能记住火焰的姿态像变质的痛苦笑,先于怜悯之情 Turned to happiness Oh, the strange position of migration of the moment who can remember the attitude of the flame, like the pain of metamorphic laugh, before compassion

清晨授权让我公开此刻谁能关上深渊之门睡眠的定时器让生者入睡唤醒死者 Authorized the morning Let me open at the moment who can close the door to the abyss of sleep, sleep timer to wake the living dead

风景 Landscape

乌云覆盖着功名灯光在冷漠之夜上刻花,从石头里日子诞生堆积成住所 Dark clouds covered with fame and lights in the cold night on the carved, from the days of the birth of rock piled into the shelter

你潜藏于喜悦逼问秋天使果实落满草地我无法拒绝你像一个谎言 You pressed the joy hidden in the fall so that the fruit covered with grass I can not refuse you, like a lie

蛀虫是个微雕大师改变内部的风景 Moth is a miniature landscape inside the master of change

新世纪 New Century

倾心于荣耀,大地转暗我们读混凝土之书的灯光,读真理 Enamored of the glory of the earth turn dark concrete of the book we read the lights, read the truth

金子的炸弹爆炸我们情愿成为受害者把伤口展示给别人 Gold we would prefer to become a victim of a bomb blast wounds to show to others

考古学家会发现底片上的时代幽灵一个孩子抓住它,说不 Archaeologists will find the film on the age of the specter of a child to grab it, say no

是历史妨碍我们飞行是鸟妨碍我们走路是腿妨碍我们做梦 History prevent us from flying is a bird that prevent us from walking legs and prevent us from dreaming

是我们诞生了我们是诞生 Yes we are born we are born

天问 Heaven

今夜雨零乱清风翻书字典旁敲侧击逼我就范 Tonight Rain disorder breeze dictionary insinuations open book to force me to submit

从小背古诗不得要领阐释的深渊旁我被罚站 Small dorsal side the abyss of ancient poetry to explain but to no avail I Pi Fazhan

月朗星稀老师的手从中指点迷津影子戏仿人生 On Long Star dilute the shadow of the teacher's hand from Zhidianmijin parody of life

有人在教育的斜坡上滑雪他们的故事滑出国界 It was on a ski slope in the education of their stories of slide-out borders

词滑出了书白纸是遗忘症我洗净双手撕碎它,雨停 Words slide a book, White is the amnesia I Wash hands shredded it, the rain stopped

忠诚 Chung Shing

别开灯黑暗之门引来圣者 Do not turn on the lights attracted saints Dark Portal

我的手熟知途径像一把旧钥匙在心的位置打开你的命运 My hand, like an old familiar way to the location of the key open your heart the fate of

三月在门外飘动 In March at the door waving

几根竹子摇晃有人从地下潜泳暴风雪已过蝴蝶重新集结 Jigen bamboo rocking storm had passed was diving from the ground to regroup Butterfly

我信仰般追随你你追随死亡 I believe in general to follow you, you follow the death of

折叠方法 Folding

战争之鱼跃过牧师的天空女高音隐退 War soprano sky diving over the priest retreat

我回到原处 I went back to original position

虚妄之沙扑向玻璃窗那乌云的面具 False and that the dark clouds of sand toward the windows of the mask

石头回到原处 The stone back to the original Office

幸运之梦长成参天大树像墨汁渗入地图 Fortunately, the dream grow into a towering tree as the ink penetration Map

意义回到原处 Meaning back to the original Office

欺世之虹是伟人的自传他一步跨向童年 Deceive the rainbow is a great autobiography of his childhood, a step across to the

遭遇 Encounter

他们煮熟了种子绕过历史,避开战乱深入夜的矿层成为人民 They cooked the seeds around the history of the war to avoid the depth of the ore bed nights to become the people of

在洞穴的岩画上我触摸到他们挖掘的手指欲望的耻骨回溯源头的努力 The rock paintings in caves, I touch on the fingers of their desire to tap the back of the pubic bone to the source of

仅在最后一步他们留在石壁中拒我在外我走出洞穴汇入前进的人流 Only in the last step in their refusal to remain in Shek Pik I move out I walk out the cave to import the flow of people

无题 Untitled

在母语的防线上奇异的乡愁垂死的玫瑰 In the line of the mother tongue strange nostalgia dying roses

玫瑰用茎管饮水如果不是水至少是黎明 Rose stem pipe with drinking water, at least, if not the dawn

最终露出午夜疯狂的歌声披头散发 Midnight madness finally exposed the songs of disheveled

夏季指南 Summer Guide

如隐身的匠人敲打金箔大海骤然生辉-- Such as stealthy craftsman beating gold sea suddenly Shenghui --
船只四出追逐夜色带着灯,那天使们的水晶 Chasing the night with a lamp vessel 4, then the angels of the crystal

鸥群进行着神秘的运算结果永远是那受伤的一只风吹起它耷拉的羽毛夸大了这一垂死的事实 Gull group engaged in a mysterious operation that results in injury is always a breeze that you begin to droop feathers exaggerated the facts of this dying

峭壁像手风琴般展开回声,使做爱的人们疯狂岸上唯一的古堡和海中的映像保持对称 Cliff started like an accordion-like echo, so that people who love crazy castle and the sea shore only to maintain symmetry in the image

一副肖像 A portrait

为信念所伤,他来自八月那危险的母爱被一面镜子夺去他侧身于犀牛于政治之间像裂缝隔开时代 The faith of the injury in August that he was dangerous from the maternal side of the mirror was taken away, he leaned on the rhino, as between the cracks separating the political era

哦同谋者,我此刻只是一个普通的游客在博物馆大厅的棋盘上和别人交叉走动 Oh accomplice, I have at the moment is just an ordinary visitor in the museum lobby and others on board cross-walk

激情不会过时但访问必须秘密进行我突然感到那琴弦的疼痛你调音,为我奏一曲在众兽涌入历史之前 Passion will not be out of date, but visits must be conducted in secret, I suddenly felt the pain that you are tuning the strings, for me, played an influx of history in the congregation before the animal

关于永恒 About Eternity

从群星租来的光芒下长跑者穿过死城 Stars rented from the light through the dead city under the long-distance running by

和羊谈心我们共同分享美酒和桌下的罪行 And sheep share the wine and the talk of our common crimes under the table

雾被引入夜歌炉火如伟大的谣言迎向风 Song of the Night Fog was introduced, such as the great fire of rumors look towards the wind

如果死是爱的理由我们爱不贞之情爱失败的人那查看时间的眼睛 If the death is the reason why we love love love infidelity of the people that view the time of the failure of the eye

另一个 Another

这棋艺平凡的天空看海水变色楼梯深入镜子盲人学校里的手指触摸鸟的消亡 This chess ordinary staircase, the sky to see a discolouration of water-depth Mirror's fingers touch the blind school, the disappearance of birds

这闲置冬天的桌子看灯火明灭记忆几度回首自由射手们在他乡听历史的风声 This is idle winter eradicate memories of the table several times to see the lights out shooter who look back on freedom of listening to the history of the wind in the foreign land

某些人已经匿名或被我们阻拦在地平线以下而另一个在我们之间突然嚎啕大哭 Some people have anonymously or below the horizon we are blocking in between us and the other in a sudden crying

创造 Create

世世代代的创造令我不安例如夜在法律上奔走总有一种原因一只狗向着雾狂吠船在短波中航行被我忘记了的灯塔如同拔掉的牙不再疼痛翻飞的书搅乱了风景太阳因得救而生起那些人孤独得跺着脚排队一阵声为他们押韵 I am disturbed by the creation of generations such as the night running in law there is always a reason for a dog barking toward the fog the boat to sail short-wave has been a beacon as I forgot my teeth pulled out the book is no longer pain whipped disrupted the landscape born from the sun because of salvation of those who alone have stamped a while queuing up for their rhymes sound

除此以外还剩下什么霞光在玻璃上大笑电梯下降,却没有地狱一个被国家辞退的人穿过昏热的午睡来到海滩,潜入海底 In addition, what is left laughing Xiaguang on glass elevator down, but not hell a man dismissed by the state through the faint heat of afternoon nap to the beach, the seabed

无题 Untitled

在父亲平坦的想象中孩子们固执的叫喊终于撞上了高山不要惊慌我沿着某些树的想法从口吃转向歌唱 Flat in his father's imagination the children's persistent cry has finally hit the mountains do not panic, I thought along some of the tree turn from stuttering Singing

来自远方的悲伤是一种权力我用它锯桌子有人为爱情出发而一座宫殿追随风暴驶过很多王朝 Grief from afar is a power table, I saw someone use it for the love start and a lot of Dynasty palace following the storm passing through

带家具的生活以外,跳蚤擂动大鼓道士们练习升天青春深入小巷为夜的逻辑而哭我得到休息 Furnished living outside the flea drums beating the dynamic young priest who ascended to heaven in-depth practice alley for the night I got a break the logic of ever cried

这一天 Day

风熟知爱情夏日闪烁着皇家的颜色钓鱼人孤独地测量大地的伤口敲响的钟在膨胀午后的漫步者请加入这岁月的含义 Love Summer Wind familiar with the color of sparkling royal fish were isolated to measure the earth's wounds ringing of the bell in the expansion of the afternoon rambler Please join the meaning of this years

有人俯向钢琴有人扛着梯子走过睡意被推迟了几分钟仅仅几分钟太阳在研究阴影我从明镜饮水看见心目中的敌人 Some people look down to the piano was carrying a ladder, sleep was delayed for a few minutes walk just a few minutes study of the sun in the shadow of my drinking water from the mirror to see the eyes of the enemy

男高音的歌声像油轮激怒大海我凌晨三时打开罐头让那些鱼大放光明 Tenor's voice provoke the sea, like oil tankers 3:00 I open the cans so that the fish shine

二月 February

夜正趋于完美我在语言中漂流死亡的乐器充满了冰 The night is perfect, I tend to drift in the language of the instrument is full of dead ice

谁在日子的裂缝上歌唱,水变苦火焰失血山猫般奔向星星必有一种形式才能做梦 Who is singing on the day of the cracks, the water become bitter toward the flame-like bleeding Bobcats a form of stars, there must be dreaming

在早晨的寒冷中一只觉醒的鸟更接近真理而我和我的诗一起下沉 Cold in the morning in the wake of the bird is closer to a truth which the poem with me and my sink

书中的二月某些动作与阴影 The book in February of certain actions and Shadow

我们 We

失魂落魄提着灯笼追赶春天 Driven to distraction Tizhedenglong catch spring

伤疤发亮,杯子转动光线被创造看那迷人的时刻: Scar shiny, glass rotating light is created Look at the charming moment:
盗贼潜入邮局信发出叫喊 Thieves sneaked into the post office issued a letter to yell

钉子啊钉子这歌词不可更改木柴紧紧搂在一起寻找听众 Nails Nails ah lyrics can not be changed this wood tightly together to find the audience hug

寻找冬天的心河流尽头船夫等待着茫茫暮色 To find the hearts of the river at the end of winter, waiting for the vast twilight boatman

必有人重写爱情 Some people will love rewriting

出场 Appearance

语病盛开的童年我们不多说闲逛人生看栅栏后的大海我们搭乘过的季节跃入其中 Language in full bloom of childhood diseases that we not look at the fence after the wandering life of the sea jumping into the season we have had one ride

音乐冷酷无比而婚姻错落有致一个厌世者走向确切的地址如烟消散 Extremely cold and the music, a world-weary patchwork of marriage into the exact address of those who smoke dissipated

无尽的悲哀之浪催孩子们起床阳光聚散我们不多说 Sad reminders of the endless wave the kids wake up the sun parting we not say

在歧路 In Crossroads

从前的日子痛斥此刻的花朵那使青春骄傲的夜抱着石头滚动击碎梦中的玻璃 The previous day denouncing the flowers at the moment of the night was so proud youth holding a rock rolling the glass shattered dreams

我为何在此逗留? Why do I stay here?
中年的书信传播着浩大的哀怨从不惑之鞋倒出沙子,或计谋 Middle-aged spread of the vast correspondence of the sad perplexities of the shoes, poured out from the sand, or artifice

没有任何准备在某次会议的陈述中我走得更远沿着一个虚词的拐弯和鬼魂们一起在歧路迎接日落 There is no prepared statement at a meeting that I go further along the bend and the ghost of a function word were to meet together in Crossroads Sunset

明镜 Mirror

夜半饮酒时真理的火焰发疯回首处谁没有家窗户为何高悬 Middle of the night drinking when the flame of truth who is not mad house windows, look back at why the sword of Damocles hanging

你倦于死道路倦于生在那火红的年代有人昼伏夜行与民族对弈 You are tired in the road dead tired in the red was born in that era it was day-volt Night and national chess

并不止于此挖掘你睡眠的入变成蓝色早晨倦于你明镜倦于词语 Does not stop there digging into your sleep into the blue morning tired tired at the words in your mirror

想想爱情你有如壮士惊天动地之处你对自己说太冷 Think of love you like a warrior modest as you say to yourself, too cold at

早晨 Morning

那些鱼内脏如灯又亮了一次 Those fish viscera, such as a light, bright

醒来,口中含盐好似初尝喜悦 Wake up, the mouth as if begun to taste the joy of salt

我出去散步房子学会倾听 I learned to listen to the house went for a walk

一些树转身某人成了英雄 Some trees turn a person into a hero

必须用手势问候鸟和打鸟的人 Gestures must ask the person for migratory birds and Uchitori

背景 Background

必须修改背景你才能重还故乡时间撼动了某些字起飞,又落下没透露任何消息一连串的失败是捷径穿过大雪中寂静的看台逼向老年的大钟而一个家庭宴会的高潮和酒精的含量有关离你最近的女人总是带着历史的愁容注视着积雪、空行田鼠们所坚信的黑暗 You need to modify the background in order to re-home time was also shaken off some characters, but also did not disclose any information falling a series of failure is a shortcut through the snow in the silence of the grandstand driven a big old dinner bell and a family of high tide and alcohol content of about the woman nearest to you always with a sad history, watching the snow, and air line voles were convinced by the dark

领域 Field

今夜始于何处客人们在墙上干杯妙语与灯周旋 Tonight begins where the guests drink punch line on the wall and Light deal

谁苦心练习演奏自己的一生那秃顶钢琴家家里准有一轮太阳 Who is painstakingly practice playing his own life and that there is a potential home bald pianist Sun

模仿沉默我的手爬过桌子 Mimic silence my hand climb over the table

有人把狗赶进历史再挖掘出来它们把住大门一对老人转身飞走回头时目光凶狠 Some people are brought into the dog that they are following the historical re-excavated the door flew back turned to the elderly when Muguangxionghen

二月招来乡下木匠重新支撑天空道路以外的春天让人忙于眺望 February provoke a carpenter to re-support the country-road in the spring sky, overlooking the busy people

据我所知 As far as I know

前往故事中的人们搬开了一座大山他才诞生 To the story of people removed and a mountain before he was born

我从事故出发刚抵达另一个国家颠倒字母使每餐必有意义 I am starting from the accident shortly after his arrival in another country so that every meal must have significant reversal of the letters

踮脚构着时间的刻度战争对他还太远父亲又太近他低头通过考试踏上那无边的甲板 Hing Wah Street West foot structure with time-scale war, he was also far too close to his father's bow passed the exam again set foot on the deck of that boundless

隔墙有耳但我要跟上他的速度写作! Walls have ears, but I would like to keep up with his speed writing!

他用红色油漆道路让凤凰们降落展示垂死的动作那些含义不明的路标环绕着冬天连音乐都在下雪 He used red paint so that the Phoenix had landed on the road show moves to those dying of unknown meaning of road signs around in the snow in winter with music

我小心翼翼每个字下都是深渊 I carefully every word is under the abyss

当一棵大树平息着八面来风他的花园因妄想而荒芜 When a tree to quell the Winds of his garden because of delusion and desolation

我漫不经心地翻看他的不良记录只能坚信过去的花朵 I casually look at his record of failure in the past, the flowers can only be convinced that

他伪造了我的签名而长大成人并和我互换大衣以潜入我的夜搜寻着引爆故事的导火索 He forged my signature and to grow up and and I have exchanged my overcoat in order to sneak into the night in search of detonating fuse of the story

重影 Ghosting

谁在月下敲门看石头开花琴师在回廊游荡令人怦然心动不知朝夕流水和金鱼拨动时光方向 Who is knocking at the door the next month to see the stone flower sings loitering in the corridors is most exciting day in and day I do not know the direction of flowing water and goldfish Slide Time

向日葵受伤指点路径盲人们站在不可理解之光上抓住愤怒刺客与月光一起走向他乡 Sunflower injured pointing paths for the blind were standing incomprehensible to seize the light of the moon, together with anger toward Afar Assassin

守夜 Vigil

月光小于睡眠河水穿过我们的房间家具在哪儿靠岸 Sleep Moon is less than the river through the furniture in our room where the landing

不仅是编年史也包括非法的气候中公认的一面使我们接近雨林哦哭泣的防线玻璃镇纸读出文字叙述中的伤口多少黑山挡住了一九九四年 Is not only a chronicler but also recognized the illegal side of the climate in the rainforest so that we are close to the line of the glass paperweight crying oh read the text description of how the wounds of the 1994 block of Montenegro

在无名小调的尽头花握紧拳头叫喊 In the unnamed minor at the end of flower clenched fists shouting

无题 Untitled

人们赶路,到达转世,隐入鸟之梦太阳从麦田逃走又随乞丐返回 People hurry, arriving reincarnation, hidden dream of the sun into the bird to escape from the wheat fields to return again with the beggar

谁与天比高那早夭的歌手在气象图里飞翔掌灯冲进风雪 Who and reach for the stars that died young singer in the weather map where burst into the snow flying Zhang Deng

我买了份报纸从日子找回零钱在夜的入口处摇身一变 I bought a newspaper from the day of the night at the entrance to get back money in his transformed

被颂扬之鱼穿过众人的泪水喂,上游的健康人到明天有多远 Was the glorification of the fish fed the tears through the crowd, the upper reaches of healthy people until tomorrow how far

夜 Night

充满细节的排浪我们以外之光正是想像来自伤口月亮卫士穿行为每颗心上发条 Full details of the wave away from the light of our imagination is the guardian of wear behavior from the wounds the moon stars hearts of each winding

我们笑了在水中摘下胡子从三个方向记住风自一只蝉的高度看寡妇的世界 We laughed off a beard in the water from three directions to remember the height of the wind from a cicada look at the world's widows

夜比所有的厄运更雄辩夜在我们脚下这遮蔽诗的灯罩已经破碎 Night of doom is more eloquent than all the nights in our shelter at the foot of the poetry of the shade has been broken

紫色 Purple

明亮的下午号角阵阵满树的柿子晃动如知识在脑中我开门等夜在大师的时间里读书,下棋有人从王位上扔出石头 Horn bursts of bright afternoon persimmon rock garden trees such as knowledge in their minds, I opened the door and other masters of the time at night reading, playing chess was a stone thrown from the throne on the

没有击中我船夫幽灵般划过波光创造了你并为你纹身我们手指交叉一颗星星煞住车照亮我们 Boatman did not hit me like a ghost across the waves, and for you to create your tattoo cross our fingers, a star curb the car illuminate our

无题 Untitled

几度诗中回首夜鸟齐鸣你向歌声逝去之处释放着烟雾 Looking back on nocturnal poem several times to sing your songs at the release of the passing away of the smoke

打伞进入明天你,漫游者从你的尽头再向前什么能代替喜悦 An umbrella into the tomorrow you, rover and then move forward from your end what can replace the joy of

世纪的狐狸们在鸿沟之间跳跃你看见那座辉煌的桥怎样消失在天边 Century fox who jumps in the gap between the bridge you see how brilliant Nazuo disappeared in the horizon

一个早晨触及核桃隐秘的思想水的激情之上是云初醒时的孤独 One morning the idea hit walnut hidden passion for the water above the clouds, when the lonely Partially awakened

旧地 Old land

死亡总是从反面观察一幅画 Death is always a picture from a negative observation

此刻我从窗口看见我年轻时的落日旧地重游我急于说出真相可在天黑前又能说出什么 At the moment I saw from the window returns to visit the sunset of my youth I was anxious to tell the truth may be out before dark what can

饮过词语之杯更让人干渴与河水一起援引大地我在空山倾听吹笛人内心的呜咽 Word of the cup before drinking even more thirsty, together with the water, I invoke the land of the empty mountains, listening to Piper at the heart of the sob

税收的天使们从画的反面归来从那些镀金的头颅一直清点到落日 Angels tax return from the opposite of paintings from those gold-plated skull had been counted into the sunset

局外人 Outsider

一代人如帷幕落下下一代人在鼓掌 Generation, such as the curtain came down on the next generation of people clapping

置身于暗处的人你经历的时间正得到重视摸索,于是有光让一半生命空出来充满鹤鸣 Exposure to the shadows of people you have experienced time is taken seriously explored, so bright so that half of the air out of life is full of Heming

有人在病中游泳当秋风察看幼兽小小的脾气道路加入睡眠在打败你的光线中你坚守无名栅栏 Some people swim in the ill temper when the autumn look at the road a little cub to join in the beat of your sleep, you stick to obscure the light of the fence

无题 Untitled
--给Martin Mooij - For Martin Mooij

集邮者们窥视生活欢乐一闪而过 Collectors are happy life flash across peep

夜傲慢地跪下托起世代的灯火 Night arrogantly down to his knees hold up the lights for generations

风转向,鸟发狂歌声摇落多少苹果 The wind shifted, the birds singing shake madly down the number of apples

不倦的情人白了头我俯身看命运 Indefatigable lover white head, I leaned over to see the fate of

泉水安慰我在这无用的时刻 Spring comfort me in this moment of useless

下一棵树 A tree

风从哪儿来我们数着罂粟籽中的日日夜夜 The wind Where did they come from the poppy seed in several of our days and nights

大雪散布着某一气流的谎言邮筒醒来信已改变含义道路通向历史以外我们牵回往事栓在下一棵树上 Snow littered with boxes of a flow of lies has changed the meaning of the letter woke up the road leading to the historical past than we pull back to a bolt in the next tree

来吧,野蛮人请加入这一传说这预定的时刻开花谦卑的火焰变成他乡之虎 Come on, please join in this savage legend that the scheduled time of the flame into a foreign land flowering humble Tiger

我们游遍四方总是从下一棵树出发返回,为了命名那路上的忧伤 We traveled the Quartet is always a tree starting from the next return, in order to name it on the road sadness

为了 For

不眠之灯引导着你从隐藏的棋艺中找到对手 Do not sleep with the light to guide you from the hidden chess opponents found

歌声兜售它的影子你从某个结论走向开放的黎明为什么那最初的光线让你如此不安? Songs to peddle its shadow toward you from opening up a conclusion that the first light the dawn Why you so worried?

一棵被种进伤口的种子拒绝作证: 1 seeds are planted into the wound refused to testify:
你因期待而告别因爱而受苦 You look forward to the farewell due to suffering because of love

激情,正如轮子因闲置而完美 Passion, as a result of idle and perfect wheels

新年 Year

怀抱花朵的孩子走向新年为黑暗纹身的指挥啊在倾听那最短促的停顿 Embrace of the flower children toward the New Year the command of the dark tattoos, ah, the most short pause to listen to it

快把狮子关进音乐的牢宠快让石头佯装成隐士在平行之间移动 Get out the Lions shut the music firmly into the pet fast so that the stone disguised as a hermit in a parallel move between

谁是客人? Who are the guests? 当所有的日子倾巢而出在路上飞行失败之书博大精深 When all the days of squeeze on the road and profound book the flight failure

每一刻都是捷径我得以穿过东方的意义回家,关上死亡之门 Every moment is a shortcut through the Eastern meaning I was able to go home, shut the door to death

边境 Border

风暴转向北方的未来病人们的根在地下怒吼太阳的螺旋桨驱赶蜜蜂变成光芒链条上的使者们在那些招风耳里播种 The future of the storm turned north and patients with their roots in the underground roar sun propeller driven light chain on the bees to become envoys were in those jug ears sowing

被记住的河流不再终结被偷去了的声音已成为边境 Remember that the end of the river has been stolen is no longer the voice of the border has become a

边境上没有希望一本书存下一个翅膀还有语言的坚冰中赎罪的兄弟你为此而斗争 The border have no hope of a book able to save one wing of the ice there is language in the atonement brothers If you want to fight

借来方向 Borrowed the direction of

一条鱼的生活充满了漏洞流水的漏洞啊泡沫那是我的言说 A fish life is full of loopholes loopholes ah water bubble that is my speech

借来方向醉汉穿过他的重重回声而心是看家狗永远朝向抒情的中心 Direction borrowed heavily drunk through the echo of his heart is the watchdog and the lyricism is always toward the center of

行进中的音乐被一次事故所粉碎天空覆盖我们感情生活的另一面 Marching music in the sky was shattered by an accident covered by the other side of our emotional lives

借来方向候鸟挣脱了我的睡眠闪电落入众人之体言者无罪 Borrowed from the direction of migratory birds broke free of my sleep lightning into the body of the speaker innocent crowd

无题 Untitled

醒来是自由那星辰之间的矛盾 Waking up is free and that the contradiction between the stars

门在抵抗岁月丝绸卷走了叫喊我是被你否认的身份从心理关掉的灯 Silk years of resistance, the door swept away by shouting that I was denied as you turn off the lights from a psychological

这脆弱的时刻敌对的岸风折叠所有的消息记忆变成了主人 This time of hostile shore vulnerable to collapse all the news of the wind into a master of memory

哦陈酒因表达而变色煤会遇见必然的矿灯火不能为火作证 Oh, the expression of aged wine color due to coal mining would meet the inevitable lights a fire can not testify

冬之旅 Winter Journey

谁在虚无上打字太多的故事是十二块石头击中表盘是十二只天鹅飞离冬天 Who is typing too much on the story of nothingness is 12 stone hit the dial is 12 swans fly in winter

而夜里的石头描述着光线盲目的钟为缺席者呼喊 The description of the stone night light clock for the absence of blind persons cry

进入房间你看见那个丑角在进入冬天时留下的火焰 Entered the room you see that clown into the winter, the fire left behind

否认 Denied

蒙面的纪念日是一盏灯笼收割从夜间开始到永恒 Day is a masked lantern harvested from the beginning to the eternal night

从死者的眼里采摘棉花冬天索回记忆纺出十年长的风 From the deceased's eyes to recover memories of picking cotton, spun out of the winter of a decade-long wind

日子成为路标风叩响重音之门果园没有历史梦里没有医生 Days as signs wind knocking the door to the orchard accent no history without a doctor's dream

逃离纪念日我呼吸并否认 I breathe and denied fleeing Day

六月 June

风在耳边说,六月六月是张黑名单我提前离席 Wind in the ear, said in June June is the Zhang blacklist I leave in advance

请注意告别方式那些词的叹息 Please note that the word means a farewell sigh

请注意那些诠释: Please note that those who interpret:
无边的塑料花在死亡左岸水泥广场从写作中延伸 Spent endless death of plastic cement square from the left bank of extended writing

到此刻我从写作中逃跑当黎明被锻造旗帜盖住大海 Up till this moment I am writing to escape from the dawn was forged when the sea covered the banner of

而忠实于大海的低音喇叭说,六月 But faithful to the sea bass speaker, said in June

无题 Untitled

那淬火的斧子惊醒罢工的大海许多把钥匙插进同一夜里哦灯光 That quenching ax to strike the sea awakened many of the key inserted into the same night, oh light

裸露于大地的时间多么沉静如同分开洪水的房顶在鸟类命运中变化的气候被辨别月亮指纹的风所确认 Exposed at the earth's time, how quiet, as separate from the roof of the floods in birds has been the fate of climate change in the wind to identify the moon confirmed by fingerprint

投石问路,十倍于现实的书挡住了召唤证人的叫喊所有的疑问都指向爱当死去的朋友浮现出笑容 Testing the waters, in reality the book ten times call witnesses shouting blocked all of the questions point to the death of a friend love to emerge out of a smile

错误 Mistake

独奏的萨克斯管醉得像发疯的梭子用光线织成天空雨织成雪 Saxophone solo drunk like crazy shuttle woven into the sky with light rain woven into the snow

在饥饿边缘死水长出骨头四处游动当逻辑结成链条古老的意志铸成大钟 The edge of hunger around the swimming pool of stagnant water when the bones grow to form the logical chain of the old will make a big bell

理发师剪去我那多余的岁月我看起来远行穿过镜子 The barber cut my extra years I look a long journey through the mirror

在另一个时代我慢慢生在我周围有人交易有人演讲没有声音 In another era I was born in slowly around me was trading was a speech sound

日子与道路 Days and Road

阴影如船歌来自古老的绿色太阳从左边照亮那教堂的手势 Such as the Barcarolle from the shadow of the ancient sun, the green light from the left that church sign

另起一段,像拉开无梦的抽屉反对沉默反对裂缝当朋友的沉默卡在尴尬的裂缝我们寻找我们射击那流血的目标奔走的伤口 Another section since, like the dreams of the drawer pull no objection against the silence of silence cracks when a friend stuck in an awkward shot that cracks in our search for our goal of running the bloody wounds

交通信号灯指出日子与道路的分歧这隐喻如染缸浸透我们的衣裳开始的声音结束的颜色 Pointed out that the days of traffic lights and road metaphors, such as differences in the dyeing clothes soaked in the beginning of our end of the color of the voice

送报 Newsman

谁相信面具的哭泣谁相信哭泣的国家国家失去记忆记忆成为早晨 Who believes masks crying tears of countries who believe the country has lost memory of memory of a morning

送报的孩子从早晨出发凄厉的小号响遍全城是你的不幸还是我的不幸神经脆弱的蔬菜啊农民们把手栽进地里盼望抓住金条的好年景政客在自己舌头上撒着胡椒粉而桦树林正在讨论是捐躯于艺术还是门 To send children from the morning newspaper starting mournful trumpet reverberates throughout the city is yours, unfortunately, is still, unfortunately, my nerves fragile vegetables ah farmers hands Zaijin the ground looking forward to a good year for politicians to seize the gold bullion in their own tongue and rubbed with pepper and birch forest are being discussed or the door is laid down their lives to art

这个公共的早晨被送报的孩子所创造一场革命掠过街头他睡了 The public report sent the morning the children crossed the street created by a revolution, he went to sleep

阳台 Balcony

钟声是一种欲望会导致错误的风向有人沿着街道的吩咐回家走向他的苹果 Bell is a kind of desire will lead to the wrong wind direction was told to go home along the street toward his apples

说书人和故事一起迁移,没再回来数数鸟窝我们常用数字记住那赤脚的歌声年代就这样爬上我们的黄昏 Story-telling and the story moved along, did not come back and count the number nest we often remember the songs of that era so barefoot climb up our evening

刚好到陈酒斟在杯子里的高度回忆忙于挑选客人看谁先到达 Just to the aged wine pour in the cup are busy selecting the height of memories of the guests to see who should reach the

古堡 Castle

那些玫瑰令人羞惭像这家族的真理让你久久逗留 It is shame that the Rose family, the truth like this make you stay a long time

喷泉追溯到生殖黑暗的第一线光明死水吞吃浮雕上骄傲的火焰 Fountain dating back to the first line of reproductive dark stagnant water swallowed relief on the bright flame of pride

松裹的迷宫是语法你找到出路才会说话沿着一级级台阶深入这语言的内部明门暗道通向巨型回声般的大厅 Matsuura is the syntax of the maze you will find a way to talk down the stairs one deep into the house next door illegal channels of language leads to the lobby as a giant echo

你高喊,没有回声 You shouted, there is no echo

在环绕你的肖像中最后一代女主人移开她老年的面具 Surrounding your portrait in the last generation of her mistress away the mask of old age

在情欲之杯饮水她目送一只猫走出那生命的界限零度,琴声荡漾他的时刻表不再到达的明天 Cup of water in the passion that she saw a cat that lives out of the limits of zero, Chords waves his schedule will not arrive tomorrow

一九一六年。 1916. 战争箭头指往所有方向她铺上雪白的桌布召唤饥饿的艺术当最彸的烛火陈述着世纪的风暴她死于饥饿 The arrows in all directions towards the war that she was covered with white tablecloths call the art of hunger when the best statement of the test results of the candle with a storm of the century that she died of starvation

井,大地的独眼 Well, the earth's one-eyed

你触摸烛台那双冰冷的手握住火焰她喂食养过的鸽子在家族的沉默作窝 You touch the candlestick pair of cold hands hold the flame off her feeding pigeons raised in the family's silence for nest

听到明天的叹息大门砰然关闭艺术已死去玫瑰刚刚开放 Tomorrow's sighs to hear the door slam shut down the arts had been dead for just opening up roses

阅读 Read

品尝多余的泪水你的星宿啊照耀着迷人的一天 Enjoy the extra tears to your constellation shining fascinating day ah

一双手是诞生中最抒情的部分一个变化者的字在舞蹈中寻找它的根 One hand is the most lyrical part of the birth of a change in the words of those in the dance to find the roots

看夏天的文木那饮茶人的月亮正是废墟上乌鸦弟子们的黄金时间 Look at the text of the summer wood that tea drinkers in a crow on the ruins of the moon is the disciple of their prime time

所有跪下的含义损坏了指甲所有生长的烟加入了人的诺言 The meaning of all the damaged nail his knees all the smoke in a human growth promise

品尝多余的大海背叛的盐 Betrayal of the sea taste of salt excess

安魂曲---给珊珊 Requiem --- to Shanshan

那一年的浪头淹没了镜中之沙迷途即离别而在离别的意义上所有语言的瞬间如日影西斜 Year of the waves drowned in the mirror that the parting of the sand Lost in the sense of farewell moments in all languages, such as shadows West Ramp

生命只是个诺言别为它悲伤花园毁灭以前我们有过太多时间争辩飞鸟的含义敲开午夜之门 Life is just a promise to do for its grief destroy the past, we had a garden too much time arguing the meaning of the birds at midnight knock on the door

孤独象火柴被擦亮当童年的坑道导向可疑的矿层迷途即离别而诗在纠正生活纠正诗的回声 Lonely childhood as the match was polished when the orientation of the tunnel of the ore bed Lost suspected that the parting in correcting the poetry of life to correct echo of poetry

工作 Work

与它的影子竟赛鸟变成了回声 Race with its shadow into a bird echo

并非偶然,你在风暴中选择职业是飞艇里的词古老的记忆中的刺 Is no accident, you in a storm of choice of occupation is the airship inside the memory of the ancient words of the gill

开窗的母亲像旧书里的主人公展开秋天的折扇如此耀眼 Window's mother, like books where the hero of the folding fan so dazzling start in autumn

你这不肖之子用白云擦洗玻璃擦洗玻璃中的自己 You this unworthy son of the glass scrub scrub the glass with white clouds in their own

休息 Rest

你终于到达云朵停靠的星期天 You finally reach the clouds docked Sunday

休息,正如慌言必须小心有人窥看 Rest, just as Huang Yan must be careful someone Kuikan

它在键盘上弹奏白昼与黑夜 It is played on the keyboard day and night

弹奏明天那幸福的链条 Playing tomorrow, then the chain of well-being

死者挣脱的影子锁住天空 Break free of the shadow of the dead lock sky

旅行 Travel

那影子在饮水那笑声模仿撑开黎明的光线的崩溃方式 That shadow in the water to imitate the laughter that the collapse of distraction dawn light way

带着书去旅行书因旅行获得年龄因旅行而匿名那深入布景的马回首 Book a trip with a book was due to travel for travel anonymously and that the age-depth look back on the horse set

你刚好到达那人出生的地方 You just arrived in the person's place of birth

鱼从水下看城市水下有新鲜的诱饵令人难堪的锚 Fish from the underwater city underwater to see the bait fresh embarrassing anchor

使命 Mission

牧师在祷告中迷路一扇通风窗开向另一个时代逃亡者在翻墙 Pastor in prayer lost a hopper windows open to the fugitive in the over the wall of another age

气喘嘘嘘的词在引发作者的心脏病深呼吸,更深些抓住和北风辩论的槐树的根 Asthma Xu Xu's words in the author's heart attack caused deep breath, deeper debate, some seize and northerly winds the root of the acacia trees

夏天到了树冠是地下告密者低语是被蜂群蜇伤的红色睡眠不,一场风暴 In the summer to the crown of an underground whispering informant was a red sleeping bees do not sting, a storm

目的地 Destinations

你沿着奇数和练习发音的火花旅行,从地图俯瞰道路的葬礼他们挖得真深触及诗意 Along the odd and practice your pronunciation of the spark to travel the road overlooking the funeral from the map that they have to really dig deep poetic touch

名号不能止住韵律的阵痛你靠近风的隐喻随白发远去暗夜打开上颌露出楼梯 Name for itself can not stop the pains of rhythm close to the wind your hair away with the metaphor of the dark night, open staircase, exposed maxillary

战后 Postwar

从梦里蒸馏的形象在天边遗弃旗帜 Distillation from the dream image of the banner in the sky abandoned

池塘变得明亮那失踪者的笑声表明疼痛是莲花的叫喊 That pond has become a bright laughter that the pain of missing persons is the lotus of the shouting

我们的沉默变成草桨变成纸那愈合书写伤口的冬天 Our silence into a grass blade into a paper written in wound healing and that the winter of

围困 Siege

红樱桃被其词义嚼碎把核儿吐向盲鸟们俯冲的海 Red Cherry is the meaning of nuclear infants chew spit to blind birds were diving in the sea

我在港口等你灯光计算着夜的容量多少悲舟—— I am waiting for you at the port with the night lighting calculation capacity of the boat tragedy --
那些世代相传的锚水下生锈的风暴 Who from generation to generation underwater rusty anchor storm

星星提高你的歌声在告别的横线上 Stars bid farewell to improve your singing in the horizontal line on the

直到死亡敲门直到阅读成为可能田野被合进书里你抱着这书赤裸地进入鸟的瞳孔充满光明 Until death knocked on the door until it is possible to read the fields have been combined into the book you are holding this book naked into the bird's pupil is full of bright

同行 Peer

这书很重,像锚沉向生还者的阐释中作者的脸像大洋彼岸的钟不可能交谈词整夜在海上漂浮早上突然起飞 This is a heavy book, such as anchors to the survivors, the interpretation of Shenyang in the author's face, like the ocean on the other side of the clock can not talk to the word night floating in the sea the morning of the sudden take-off

笑声落进空碗里太阳在肉铺铁勾上转动头班公共汽车开向田野尽头的邮局哦那绿色变奏中的离别之王 Laughter fall into the empty bowl on the sun in the butcher shop turned iron hook to open the first class bus to the field at the end of the post Oh, and that the green variations in the parting of the King

作者突然问:"谁知道失败的绝招?" By suddenly asked: "Who knows the failure of trick?"
在那些迅猛生长的树下我越变越小在城市的棋盘上移动 The rapid growth of those trees I became smaller and smaller in the city's board move

那最初的 That initial

记忆暴君在田野敲钟震碎围困他的时间镜框试图抓住风暴的警察因辨认指纹而晕眩那最初的,搅动万丈光芒 Memory of a tyrant in the field bell shattered the siege of his time frame the police tried to seize the storm and the dizziness was due to the initial fingerprint identification, and stir lofty light

星星在夜的剧场订座看那黎明之王死去影子刺客们斜如命运歌声浸润了喉咙那最初的,狼血般温暖 The stars at night, the theater reservation Look at dawn the shadow of the king of dead assassins were inclined, such as infiltration of the throat singing that the fate of the original wolf-like warmth of the blood

明天是幸存的黄金孤儿带领盲目的颂歌在隘口会见月亮当天地合拢那最初的,点火 Tomorrow is surviving the golden mantra of blind orphans to lead in the heaven and earth when the moon passes close up that meeting with the initial ignition

那最初的没有名字河流穿过时刻表太阳撑开它耀眼的伞为异乡人送行那最初的,是路程 It was originally the name of the river through the schedule with no distraction it dazzling sun umbrella for the stranger off the first of Medina, is distance

旅行日记 Travel Diary

火车进入森林前我像无用的灭火器睡着了 The train into the forest before I fell asleep like a useless fire extinguishers

灯光照亮的工地: Lights illuminate the site:
手术中剖开的内脏有人丁当打铁多么微弱的心跳 Cut open surgery of the internal organs was ding dang What a weak heartbeat blacksmith

桥纵身一跃把新闻最阴暗的向度带给明天的城市 Bridge jump leap into the dark dimension of information to bring tomorrow's cities

前进! Forward! 深入明天孩子们的语病我从车窗探出头来像作者从他的畅销书向外张望 In-depth tomorrow, the children's language problem I stuck his head from the window, as the best-selling author from his book and looked out

天气多好白云的肥指头沿钢轨之弦滑向终点 Weather, how good a fat white clouds fingers slide along the rails of the end of string
-墙上破晓 - Wall dawn

杂志片断之一 Magazine as one fragment

炊烟老人们瑟瑟起立县长那伤风嗓音中的烟火照亮新剧院的蓝图 Old people smoke rose county and that a cold voice howling in the fireworks light up the blueprint for the new theater

高音喇叭召来昨日闪电 Loudspeakers summoned yesterday Lightning
"我跟你相约在九八……" "I'm with you Meet in the 98 ... ..."
雨在台阶上狠命弹奏晚霞从小贩脸上消失来自天上细瘦的河正穿过他童年的枣树林 Rain on the steps playing the sunset from the hawkers in the face blasted away from the heavenly river are slender through the forest of his childhood jujube

汉字印满了暗夜刚果河的鳄鱼在电视出没咬住人们梦的膀胱 Chinese characters printed on the Congo river full of crocodiles Night TV haunt people's dreams bite the bladder

筷子搭在碗的满弓上而厨师一刀斩下公鸡脑袋里的黎明 Chopsticks in the bowl of his bow tie on the cock head chef knife Zhanxia Dawn

无题 Untitled

我看不见清澈的水池里的金鱼隐秘的生活我穿越镜子的努力没有成功一匹马在古老的房顶上突然被勒住疆绳我转过街角乡村大道上的土遮蔽天空 I can not see the clear pond where goldfish hidden life I did not succeed through the efforts of the mirror in the old horse on the roof suddenly reined in Xinjiang rope I Zhuanguojiejiao Village Boulevard earth sheltered sky

东方的想像 Oriental imagination

风中的钢刀灵巧地转动大坝上的牛羊失踪树木朝冬天一起鞠躬绿色租赁给军队枝干被造成大船时洪水来临豪华的时代在宴请它的客人铜号、美酒竹椅上东方的想像是不落的太阳悬挂在砖窑上空工匠们造就的天堂流星般塌落情人们睡在回声那世纪之交的桥洞里戴天使面具的人们从桥上走过 In the wind blades, deftly turning the dam on the disappearance of trees, cattle and sheep with a bow toward winter, the green branches are leased to the military when the flood caused by the ship coming era of luxury to its guests at the banquet of copper number, wine bamboo chair on the imagination of the East it is not off the sun hung in the brick kilns to create a haven for artisans over the meteor-like cave people slept in the echo of love that turn of the century bridge opening where people wear masks an angel came from the bridge

悼亡 Mourn

不是生者是死者在末日般殷红的天空下结伴而行苦难引导着苦难恨的尽头是恨泉水干涸,大火连绵回去的路更远 The deceased was not living like the bright red sky at the end of the next go hand in hand to guide the suffering of the suffering of the end of hate is the hate springs have dried up, the fire road stretching back farther

不是上帝是孩子在钢盔与钢盔撞击的声音中祈祷母亲孕育了光明黑暗孕育了母亲石头滚动,钟表倒转日蚀已经出现 God is not a child crash helmets and helmets to pray the voice of the mother gave birth to the mother gave birth to light and darkness, rolling stones, clocks and watches have emerged reverse eclipse

不是肉体是灵魂每年一起再过一次生日你们有同样的年龄爱为死者缔造了永久的联盟你们紧紧拥抱在长长的死亡名单中 Is not a body is the soul of a birthday every year with another the same age you have love for the deceased to create a permanent alliance that you hugged each other in a long list of deaths

夏日的黄铜 Summer Brass

一个谣言的儿子坐在节育的花环上听夏日的黄铜步伐整齐的士兵沿生锈的道路走来看夏日的黄铜树上深深的斧痕永远迷人地微笑着吃夏日的黄铜 A rumor's son sitting on a wreath of birth control, the pace of neat to listen to brass summer soldiers walking along the road of rusty look at the trees in summer, the deep brass ax marks charming smile never eat Brass Summer

沉默的敲钟人 Silent bell man

展开的时间的幕布碎裂,漫天飘零一个个日子撞击不停船只登陆在大雪上滑行一只绵羊注视着远方它空洞的目光有如和平万物正重新命名尘世的耳朵保持着危险的平衡这是死亡的钟声 Commencement date of the curtain fragmentation, sky scatter a one day crash landing vessels kept a sheep in the snow on the slide it is watching from afar like the hollow eyes of earthly peace and all things being re-named the ears of maintaining the balance of this danger of death bell

读书笔记 Reading Notes

禁忌的花草是历史的粮食螺钿的天空下纸蝴蝶梦见一个石头的家族那颗胸中的红色棋子驱使我向前我是王或者卒的影子,我遮蔽隔岸的风云激情第五十代的耗子们挥舞着长鞭 Taboo flowers inlaid with mother-of food history, under a sky of paper butterflies dreamed a family of stone pieces, red hearts sinking, drove me to move my king or a soldier's shadow, I have sheltered the winds of passion Gean 50th generation of the rat They waved the whip

小木房的歌 Wooden room song

为了你, To you,
春天在歌唱草绿了,花红了小蜜蜂在酒浆里荡桨。 Spring in the singing grass green, and bonuses of small bees in the wine pulp inside paddle.
为了你,白杨树弯到地上松鼠窜,杜鹃啼惊醒了密林中的大灰狼。 To you, poplar bent to the ground squirrels channeling, cuckoo awakened the forests of the timber wolf.
为了你,乌云筛了筛星廊雨珠落,水花飞洒在如痴的小河上。 To you, clouds Gallery raindrop screen stars of the screen down, splash Feisa like crazy in the stream on.
为了你, 风鼓云帆去远航潮儿涌,波儿碎拍打着河边的小木房。 For you, winnowing Yunfan voyage to the influx of several Bay, waves slapped against the river a few broken wooden room.
为了你,小木房打开一扇窗长眠的哥哥醒来了睁开眼睛向外望。 To you, wooden room to open a window sleep's brother woke up opened his eyes looking out.
为了你,小窗漏出一束光他蘸着心中的红墨水写下歪歪斜斜的字行。 For you, little window leakage of light at heart, he dipped in red ink to write the word crooked lines.

岗位 Posts

一只麋鹿走向陷阱权力,枞树说,斗争秋天重复着牢记在核桃里 An elk into the trap of power, fir trees that struggle to keep in mind the repeated fall of Walnut Lane

怀着同一秘密我头发白了退休----倒退着离开我的岗位 Huaizhe white hair, the same secret I retire ---- leave my post backwards

只退了一步不,整整十年我的时代在背后突然敲响大鼓 Just step back No, a full decade behind the times, I suddenly sounded the drum

不 Not

答案很快就能知道已折射在他脸上 We'll soon be able to know that they reflected on his face

临近遗忘临近田野的旁白临近祖国这个词所拥有的绝望 Close to the fields near the forgotten word narration near the country owned by the desperate

麦粒饱满啊,成熟的哭泣今夜最忠实的孤独在为他引渡 Grain of wheat full ah, mature lonely cry tonight for the most loyal extradite him

他对所有排队而喋喋不休的日子说不 He thanked all the days of queuing up and say no rattle

零度以上的风景 Landscape of more than zero

是鹞鹰教会歌声游泳是歌声追溯那最初的风 Yes atmaca church singing voice back and that swimming is the first wind

我们交换欢乐的碎片从不同的方向进入家庭 We are happy to exchange the fragments from different directions into the home

是父亲确认了黑暗是黑暗通向经典的闪电哭泣之门砰然关闭回声在追赶它的叫喊 The father recognized the dark is the dark leads to the classic lightning slammed closed the door crying to catch up with its echo of the cry

是笔在绝望中开花是花反抗着必然的旅程 The pen is a flower blooming in desperation against an inevitable journey

是爱的光线醒来照亮零度以上的风景 Illuminate the light of love waking up the scenery more than zero

无题 Untitled

被 笔勾掉的山水在这里重现我指的绝不是修辞修辞之上的十月飞行处处可见黑衣侦察兵上升,把世界微缩成一声叫喊财富变成洪水闪光一瞬扩展成过冬的经验当我像个 假证人坐在田野中间大雪部队卸掉伪装变成语言灵魂游戏那些手梳理秋风有港口就有人等待晴天,太多的麻烦汇集成乌云天气在安慰我们像梦够到无梦的人日子和楼 梯不动我们上下奔跑直到蓝色脚印开花直到记忆中的脸变成关上的门请坐,来谈谈这一年剩下的书页书页以外的沉沦 The landscape has been ticked off pen to reproduce here, I am referring to is by no means above the October flight rhetoric rhetoric can be seen everywhere in black scout up the world into utter a cry of wealth into a miniature flash floods, extended into the winter experience in blink of an eye when I was like false testimony of people sitting in the middle of a snow field camouflaged troops relieved the soul of the game into a language of those hand-carding autumn of port, some people wait for sunny days, too much trouble together into the dark clouds on weather in the comfort we have enough to go into a dream like the dream of people day and staircases not move until we run up and down the blue prints in the face of flowering until the memory into a closed door sit down to talk about the rest of the year outside of book pages pages sink

逆光时刻 Backlight time

采珠入潜入夜晚云中的鼓手动作优美星星绞链吊起楼房转向另一面窗户漏掉巨型风暴漩涡中的沉睡者快抓住这标明出口的设计图纸吧逆光时刻道路暗淡渔夫在虚无以外撒网一只蝴蝶翻飞在历史巨大的昏话中 Pearl Fishers cloud into the night, sneak into the beautiful movements of the drummer turned to the stars hinged lifting the other side of the building missing windows in the sleeping giant storms and whirlpools, quick to seize the export of design drawings marked bar dim backlighting time of the road outside of a fisherman casting a net in the nothingness a butterfly whipped in history, the words of a huge hom

过夜 Overnight

一条河把鳟鱼带到盘中烧酒兄弟和高梁父亲留我过夜,玻璃有凶手的皱纹 Trout into a river to intraday shochu brother and sorghum, the night my father left me my glass, there is the murderer of wrinkles

旅馆接待员盯着我我听到他心脏的杂音那心脏忽明忽暗照亮登记表 Hotel receptionist stared at me I hear his heart murmur and that registration forms the heart of flickering light

光滑的大理石上钢琴曲走调电梯把哈欠变成叫喊穿过灯光的泡沫 Smooth piano out of tune on a marble elevator to yawn into a shouting through the bubble lights

风从舒展的袖子亮出铁事 Wind from the stretch sleeve thing flashed iron

关键词 Keywords

我的影子很危险这受雇于太阳的艺人带来的最后的知识是空的 My shadow is dangerous to bring the artists employed by the sun's final knowledge is empty

那是蛀虫工作的黑暗属性暴力的最小的孩子空中的足音 That is the work of the dark moth properties of the youngest child of violence in the air enough to sound

关键词,我的影子锤打着梦中之铁踏着那节奏一只孤狼走进 Key words, my dream, the shadow of the Iron Inspired by hammering it into the rhythm of one wolf

无人失败的黄昏鹭鸶在水上书写一生一天一个句子 No failure of egrets in the water at dusk one day to write a life sentence

晴空 Skies

大街如烈马飞奔灯光之蹄明灭诗人和他的夜坐在街角一杯热咖啡:体育场比赛正在进行观众跃起变为乌鸦 Street lighting, such as Ritmeester flying eradication of hoof-Ming poet and his nights sitting in the corner of a cup of hot coffee: stadium game leaps into a Crow being the audience

失败的谣言啊烟囱上空的父亲带诗人更上一层楼阳光在云中擂鼓渔船缝纫大海请沿地平线折叠此刻让玉米星星在一起 Rumors ah over the failure of the chimney with a poet's father, the sun in clouds and ominous new heights sewing sea fishing please fold along the horizon at the moment so that the stars with corn

上帝绝望的双臂在表盘上转动诗人落进诗的圈套他一夜白了头满楼狂风 God's arms on the dial on the desperate poet turned down into the trap of poetry over his head White House the night wind

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